
  • I'm not a fan of the store. Not made for anyone with vision issues. The events UI is great. Not a fan that they added the red notifications back, especially when a new quest pops up. Fine for it on the main screen but a bit much when you have the UI open and have to click the event to get rid of it.
    en New menu Layout Comentario por Vanitelia 8:09
  • It's late in my work day. My mind went to those are the new mini's boss for AQ. Thanks for the assist there. Not the worst champs to fight.
  • As a Vanguard that used Titania, I'm happy to see the change. Pointless to judge the change until we know who the new mini's/boss will be. I get why people are frustrated because the optics don't look good. Switch out two champs that most Vanguard/Tacticians used. Would be helpful for some sort of rotation cadence so these…
  • I'm over 9k as well. Was nice to get rid of the old t4cc frags and arena boosts.
  • Kabam mentioned wanting to focus on some of the unique, lesser known champs out there and more villains. I don't think it was just a summoner's choice thing either. We've been asking for awhile, but we also had our chance as he was included in a summoner's choice lineup awhile back. Certainly hope to have him in-game next…
  • I use Nef in war and there are workarounds. You can still build up your charges without evading. It'll take longer, but you get buildups through other means (if they regen/gain power, via your sp1, etc.). You won't be able to do your standard loop of one sp1, then sp2. Not a big deal. You can also parry projectiles from…
  • How did you end up using that many units in Abyss? I got bored and decided to finally hop into Abyss. I didn't have to go into my stash and ended up dropping a team revive on Collector. Ran a second path and did the same thing for the Carina's Challengers.
  • Yep, they took the feedback and fixed the path from the Beta version. Everyone basically had to use Kate to get it down. The root is there so you can whiff easier. Do what the Ai does when they're rooted...but instead of spamming heavies, you do non-stop lights. All you need is one special from Kate or 2 med from Shang…
  • Nefaria is a great option if you have him. Even a 5* could get it done. Health melts once in Ionic Overdrive.
  • As a girl dad, I completely agree. Even if it was encased in resin, that stuff will finds it way out.
  • Might be a bad take, but having ranked rewards tied into solo milestones is probably the reason we still see these posts. If there was a VT solo milestones with no rank rewards, then it would still offer an incentive for new accounts to play and then force the bigger accounts into accessing the rewards they want when they…
  • That Quora article is a shame. I'd suggest watching Comics Explained on YT or picking up a comic or two. If anything, the fact that we don't hear about him much anymore fits his arc. A hero so powerful that they forced him to forget who he is. Pretty meta if you ask forgets, we as the reader forget.
  • I voted for DS. Never been a fan of Cyclops but excited to see what they do with him. Most of the MCOC X-Men need attention. Rogue, Beast, OG Wolverine, and Cable all could use reworks or major value updates. Would be nice to have Jean Grey in the game. Gambit, Jubilee, Storm (already been buffed), same with NC, Professor…
  • Someone watches Nagase's vids.
  • Favorite champ in the game. He destroys everything and is easy to play. Short combos help with the fight flow. Has bad matchups, no doubt.
  • Relics becoming relics. Irony. Maybe make strikers a permanent addition to all champs and then remove the locked restriction so we can bind/unbind whenever we need to. The other option is allowing us to apply the same relic to multiple champs, but that may be a bit too much.
  • Lag seems to get worse the longer you stay in game. If I run incursions, I can get through 8-10 rooms before it starts to happen. I force close and then works fine for another 8-10 rounds. Same with arena or longer quests. I also play on an iPad. Started to notice with the previous update and then really bad with this…
    en Lag... Comentario por Vanitelia 20 de agosto
  • The odds of pulling any champ is 1/18 so roughly 5.6% chance you'll get the champ you want. These odds are repeated each and every time you spin the crystal. Now, the probability that you pull the same champ on 4 consecutive spins is 1 in 18 to the 4th power or 0.00000952598. Impressive.
  • I know this. It was sarcasm since we're stumping for who we want to win. Visually, they do the same things...if Cyclops was twice as tall and had a suit of armor. The Destroyer is a mystical armor, let's just say it's Cyclops inside and call this poll over.
  • Wolverine definitely calls him Vindicator on the old X-Men cartoon. Gotta love comics.
  • If anyone wants a re-worked version of Cyclops, play The Destroyer. We know what the possibilities are for DS so why limit the design team with another one trick pony that shoots a beam from his face?
  • This thread reminds me of an angry Karen who didn't tip their server because the burger wasn't at the temp they wanted. Customers want to get all high and mighty acting like they have some kind of control over another human being because they are paying for something. Don't throw blame around unless you know what you're…
  • Thumbs up on those Cable and Sentinel mentions. OML would also be a good one too. Everyone else is either good, have had buffs, or are new.
  • You don't have to be a whale to meet the roster demand. If you have a decent roster with a variety of champs, you'll be fine. As with any content, it can be completed using lower ranked champs, but you'll need to use items/wallet to do so. Not every piece of content that's released is meant for lower progressions. It's…
  • I know how to play Raids and what's going on with the various charges. At 15 charges and completing the prompts, the damage should be there and it's not. We'll see what it's like after the new build comes through today
  • No, I am having the same issue, full charges, completing the prompts like normal and keep timing out. I have run Titania since raids have come outs she hits the damage cap with 7-10 charges. Now, I am not even hitting a million damage in 150+ hits. Something is up.
  • I get the BG points, but if a dual threat champ came out, they'd be permabanned anyway. If a champ is great defender, then it does force the opponent to decide to ban offense or defense. So, in round about way, Enchantress could help your BG attack if she is really good on defense.
  • She reminds me of a cross between Wong and Claire. Wong takes some time to ramp but, once you have your spells up, fights are pretty much locked up. Claire has the utility. Depending on the matchup, you can focus on defense/offense/utility. Neat concept to combine the two.
  • ...or just remove the help feature completely and reducing the wait time for champs by the amount you would normally get back from your ally mates.
  • I've been wanting Shadow King for awhile. He had a few episodes in the original X-Men cartoons (two main episodes I can think of is Storm/Rogue visiting Africa and the boy she raised and the other one was a big battle with Professor X/Jean Grey on the astral plane). MCOC would have a lot to play with.