Xreiss ★
Update, I found an ally :).
Also my in game id is xreiss
Hey dave, Im interested in joining your ally do you still have spots open? Ive been looking to get back into war and would love an ally that also has good bg rank. Im a valiant player with a decently large roster a tend to land decently high in terms of solo bg rank. I don't have a ton of units saved up currently but have…
Dang that thor was rough and definitely cost me a few revivies. The power path was super easy even with the bug if you just spam special ones with serpent.
Update i went back in with a rank 3 six star void and he does cheese her. Seems like you really need a hard counter for her.
Ya id agree. Why is she hundred times worse then orochi.
White tiger for sure. Maw is a pushover on defense.
Hey you still have an opening? This is exactly what I’m looking for alliance wise.
I tried the hulk stun method and it was working at first, then his ai was just being super wierd which let him regen. And my input started being absolutely horrific. I die 5 times cause my dex just didn’t function. He also would just sit in the corner blocking right as he was about to get unstop and just dreaded me with…
Fair I was kinda ranting all over the place. And honestly I really need to vent about it thou so it helped me in that regard atleast.
Science for photon, cause I finally got Kate the other day. Lucked out big time and pulled photon loving her so far wish I had the iso and cats to get her past rank to.
I spend a bit to and I’m honestly kinda peved. I missed out on like 1000 extra units and half a seven star. With a thousand extra units would have gotten me the last solo milestone. Feels super scummy on kabams part. What reason could they possibly have to not start the bonus deals on day one of banquet. Other than to…
At this rate expecting them to take some of my champs at random. Full on grinch style, with how stingy they’ve been i really wouldn’t surprised.
90 percent of This is contender level rewards. Kabam do be out of touch sometimes.
Jabari was in between peni and gladiator. And it was my first titan so all around could have been better. Sucks getting a super rare cystal and get someone mid.
Gladstone isn’t that bad plus he’s getting buffed, I opened my first titan earlier and got Jabari panther. Saved it for a week after beating necro just to get Jabari. Srly kinda bummed about it.
Kingpin is so over rated. Don’t understand the love at all. Zemo is a better defender and has better utility. Nick fury could be good to especially if you hate fighting him in bgs cause yours would probably get banned a lot.
I’d say who ever you like playing the most out of domino, kitty and omega red.
I see, I miss read the post thanks for the clarification
I think the correct term is kascamed.
I just made the same post minus the pictures, because it happened to me as well.
I had 31 million points would had a bit more but I’m feeling abit under the weather which is why I’m annoyed about it.
Okay no need to insult me for trying to better understand something.
Hey any chance you could post you roster? And were you using units to refresh. Really trying to get a better insight here. Also who ever suggest they give the six star to the top 1-5 percent that’s a great idea. instead of just the 400. Espically cause they have a lot of hacker in the top 400 from what I’ve heard.
Maybe I wasn’t clear with my point. My ping is why do we need a mode of getting a specific champ as a six star if you need to have a massive roster already to get them. Having 200 six stars is a vast majority of them. And I’m saying the mood needs to me restructured so that everyone can benifit form it not just the ones…
Maybe it’s just me but a mood that only benefits the super large rosters is kinda stupid. The rich just getting richer isn’t fun. And isn’t good from a game balance perspective. Also furryeon how can you do that in under 8 hours ? Is my math wrong or a you just over exaggerating?
I feel rewarding those who don’t abuses obvious glitches. Might help promote a better player base. Let’s be honest there will be other glitch people can exploit from time to time. And if they motivate people to not abuse glitchs. When they do happen less people will do it meaning they don’t have to ban/ regime the items on…
I’m missing it two :(
Shuri is insane so I’d rank two her
Just feel like the odd of open up 17 featured crystals and only getting two featured champs must be really low. I’d just wish I could at least pull Kate. So I could go back to normal 6 stars