gannicus0830 ★★★★
13,500. So, not enough for all the whale milestones.
I don't get the hype behind sassy. I routinely wreck R3 sassies in BGs, he's not that great and I'm not a huge fan of the character or his animations/ play style. Thanks for the input though!
Yes, I think I saw something about Isophyne feasibly being duped through the banquet, but I only have about 13k units to spend, and I may not be blubbery enough to get a second copy of her.
Even with the tactic attackers, I'm constantly getting random misses and being punished for it. They need to stop trying to translate the AW tactics to BGs, it's just lazy and doesn't translate well.
Almost entirely
Ideally, he needs awakened and high sig
I mean yeah, sure I see the humor in it, but it's really freaking annoying when you're halfway through endgame content and defenders projectiles don't even show up on the screen. Its equally annoying that the only inevitable solution will be "just buy a newer phone". Like I said before, Everything was perfectly normal up…
Everything was normal up until around the beginning of October.
And No, it hasn't corrected itself yet. Still going on.
And then launching the sp3 the NANOSECOND they hit 3 bars.
I hate it. Venom is my all- time favorite marvel character since his creation (I still have his first appearance issue), and he was fine the way he was. They took him from the amazing spider man (McFarlane) to the spectacular spider man....IYKYK. it sucks. Change him back.
I just miss them being fun.
She should be deleted from the game. If I wanted to play a character you need a manual to learn, I'd play mortal kombat, and there's already enough annoyingly busted defenders in the game. Get rid of her, she's going to be more toxic than serpent.
Yeah, I took her to r5 and ascended her immediately as a hard counter to bullseye and other annoying skill Champs, but her damage is so pathetic that it doesn't really justify it.
The pussycat dolls
You caught that eh? 🤣
If you think the recent changes to the AI are a bug or unintended, you're not too familiar with Kabam yet.....
Freaking GROOT...
You win.
My last 2 7* pulls have been blade and og spider man....I challenge you.
I guess that part didn't register when I read the objectives.... wishful thinking I guess.
I pulled blade from my most recent (2nd) one.... oh joy.