johara84 ★
Update: Misty Knight tagged as metal and her arm is made of "Antarctic Vibranium" according to her Mcoc bio. So again just pointing out that Kabam is literally making this up which is fine, just wish they would own up to the inconsistency they show from time to time. They didn't want Mags to counter Sam Wilson, thats…
Knew the shield was, didn't realize the wings were. But VisionAoU is made out of Vibranium per same canon source (MCU) and is #metal, so still Kabam logic.
F. But i'd take him. Instead I pulled my 3rd 6* yellow jacket yesterday. Its amazing how "random" that is.
Magneto and Karnak.
thatd be estimate the cost around 70-75k artifacts.
Then you should know how saying"finish earlier" can be seen as ignorant. Its the whole reason people complained about standardizing AW times instead of leaving it up to alliances when they matchmade to start AWs for times such as these. If you are a Eastern hemisphere player you woke up about an hour ago to game being…
Well Im sorry you dont understand how timezones work. But hey at least you guys got your win.
The problem is if you didnt kill thanos in every bg your AQ prestige is wrecked for the week. No way to hit normal tiers and for map 6 and 7 allies, and some 5s that need to use all 24 hrs due to timezone restrictions thats possibly millions of points and full reward tiers being forfeit.
We won fair as both teams were 100% done. But to say finish earlier is incredibly arrogant and self-centered. This game is played by people all over the world. Really good chance that someone in another timezone is waking up with enough time to take out minis or the boss and werent able because last 25ish minutes of AW…
Same with AQ. One of our BGs was at 96% of map 5 with an hour to finish. Completely doable, but not if the game is down for the next 45 minutes.
Line ID?
Sirius. Great reponse. Thanks for the thought out dialogue. I see your points in the idea being one that could hurt players and alliances without skill being a factor ie: outages. However i do disagree about the argument as it relates to something like unavoidable damage. If theres a domino on the path and you use strategy…
Not at all. Its about balancing the amount of items used and improving skill. Just like clearing aw without dying is the goal, but doesnt always happen. Clearing without using items isnt going to happen all teh time, but limiting it so that spender alliances lose their edge to a better skilled alliance. How is it different…
And Im not complaining about the current system. This is suggestion forum, to me this adds to war doesnt take away. I honestly like our current scoring system more than the old one, but I think there can always be improvement.
"Map without dying" This aspect is the biggest and is absolutely tied to item usage. If you removed items many top tier ally's would no lnger be considered top tier, that to me means not entirely skill based. But i get where you are coming form on penalizing people for items that are available. However, the current system…
Exactly there is...usually its the team that was able to heal up to have a better chance to get the next defender down within 3 kills. Are you saying that someone that did is of equal skill to a team that does it with 1 more attack bonus loss but didn't use any items. It might be just me but to me doing it with a 30% champ…
I completely agree with this. To me an item use point qualifier would help offset the defender that gets more than 3 kills, but doesnt actually hurt an alliance that revives 10 times to get by it. I still dont agree that if all things are equal a team that had to use 13 revives to clear the map is equal to the team that…
I dont think ive purchaed a team revive in months. In my view it penalizes teams that spend to win vs. teams that don't spend to win.
Bro dont waste peoples could not hang in master. You don't even have a 4* 5/50 yet.
Whats your line ID?
I've gotten some decent t2a shards...nothing great. But mostly 4* shards and sig stones.
It was Voodoo for a long time, then I pulled a 4* and 5* back to back pulls. Now its iceman would really like one.
I have a soft spot as he was my first 5/50 and carried me through early Dorm season of AQ. Good tanky champ who didnt have a lot of glaring weaknesses but also not a lot of strengths.
Korg. Beause, unblockable, unstoppable, unevadable, thorns, shrugging debuffs. And all that is before he is placed on a node.
Completed Variant 2 and pulled CAIW. First solid pull in weeks. Also pulled a science rank 4 gem. It was a good day.
I disagree. I think the effort for that is completely worth it. The extra gold, t4cc, and 6* shards (though minimal) all worth 30-45 minutes every 3 days. But thats just one mans opinion.
While I understand buffing the rewards slightly for beginning/midgame players with t4b and t4cc you have created a bottleneck for the mid-to-end game players with t2a and t5b. A map 5 alliance (arguably the hardest to adequately fill) only gets access to these through glory. I think moving the t4b shards to t5b or t2a…