solopolo ★★★
Account got hacked earlier this year and I never bothered to change the name back :D Domino sig 149 Shathra 20 Sasquatch 32 I could max sig Domino now but I want to make sure nothing else gives more value. Will look at numbers eventually and decide. I'm sitting on a tech awakening gem with no one to use it on, so may hold…
+ Weapon X via unstoppable
Mr. Negative technically can similarly to Surfer, just gives you an evade into an opening instead
I recall the previous system simply locking you out of any milestones you had already claimed while in another alliance, along with the delay timer, to stop people from joining just to claim rewards then swapping over again. Not sure why they moved away from this.
My personal favorite designs are Kitty, Scorpion, Claire Voyant and Warlock. Shang Chi is making his way up quickly as well. As far as actually best design, I think Fury. He was released 5 years ago, and at every point since his release he's been among the best champions in the game, but never the single best, which I find…
Decided to login for the first time in 4ish months just to pop my 7* shards. Didn't realize until way too late that the 7* discount was in the store lmfao. Owell. Got the Xtra Thicc Boi.
Guess cosmic will continue to be the best class for another 2 years. We got galan and hulkling last year, now Hyperion number 12 🥱
5* Claire dupe from the second crystal
5* Gamora dupe. Waiting on the full mythic from the last milestone now.
Overall very happy with my roster. I've been able to rank up champs at a much faster rate than I expected, currently paragon and sitting on 3 r4s, 15 r3s and counting, and resources to rank up 3 more champs to r4, which I'm holding for now to avoid risking pushing my prestige up even further and making bgs harder than they…
If Bullseye were released day 1 he would've been a joke tier champ and required a mega buff to be functional, just like every other day 1 champ.
Where did you even find this thread?
R6 what?
Can we please not let corvus number 3 win this? :'(
The only champs released in the past year with more dexable specials were attuma's sp1 and mantis LOL. All you need to do is back up and he can't touch you. Not sure what you mean there
Play a single run through TB and get your answer
Rather spiderpunk than another overpowered beefy cosmic champ honestly. Anything but gladiator and I'm happy.
Groot's only form of damage increase requires him to get hit repeatedly. Utility-wise, he has bleed immunity, debuff duration reduction, Regen on his sp2, and a bleed on his sp3. Literally. Nothing. Else.
The simplest of solutions, that unfortunately most people refuse to do.
I don't think you understand what "cash grab" means.
Lmao. Namor was my 2nd 6*. Now with 100+ 6*s and paragon, he still sits unduped at rank 1.
Paragon, now working on 8.1 completion and act 7 exploration in between monthly content and bg grind. Also I find it strange that TB and paragon are bunched together while the titles that take less than a week to go through are split into multiple options. Paragon isn't all that uncommon nowadays.
Ah. That was probably it then.
Slight confusion, was there no event quest for the release of Elektra and Fixit? I could've sworn I had played through an EQ with Fixit as the final boss, but I'm searching around and can't find anything. They both came between the Moon Knight and Guillotine/Venom EQs.
At least the 5th post within the past couple days mentioning this. This is by far the most talked about bug at the moment.
Except that they've explicitly stated that the new difficulty does give points, it simply isn't listed yet. Maybe look into things, or even test it out yourself before blindly complaining just because you can. Makes you look like less of a child.
What's a relik?
You have more than enough energy to complete content. All that matters is if you put in the time.
Sitting at over 50 crystals I have yet to pull a single chang chi, haven't pulled a single featured champ more than 3 times, switch and AA no more than twice each, a single QS, a single Valkyrie, a single wiccan, and have pulled rogue and profx each 8 times, and war Machine 5 times. Guess I can complain about crystals…