AidenTheWise ★★
What they just sold their champs 🥱
Ahhh a fellow Mysterio enjoyer
Let’s goooo I just did my first run with him. Mine only sig 99 but whatever. Necro was honestly just a lot of fun. Some fights just suck like ramping up aegon but other than that they’re just a ton of fun. Even the grandmaster was fun in my opinion. But good luck you got it!!
Ehhh it’s not that hard. Depending on what quests you do. I’m only level 51 and just took Aegon as my first r5 for necropolis. With a skill gem and I still have a science gem. Skill one was from Black Friday loyalty deals the science one I dunno. But in terms of catalysts I basically only have one t6cc of each except for 3…
Haha that’s awesome you’re a genius for thinking of that. I just completed my first necro run with Aegon. Valk fight was cool because I learned you can’t do the big mega damage with Aegon unstoppable since she counters it with pierce. My favorite fight by far was the Cap Britain since the whole fight you’re basically…
Yeah it’s a fun fight but I don’t wanna make my way through exploring act 6. Would much rather explore act 7 first. Much more fun, easier, and shorter
Try for good champs but secretly hope for bad champs to increase your chances 🤫dans What are the chances of Infamous Ironman being nerfed? Commentaire de AidenTheWise septembre 2022
His sp1 isn’t necessary to gain pym particles. Ideally his rotation would be 3 sp1s and then sp2 for max poisons and then 3 sp1s for max fatigues. You can still gain pym particles by dexing and you really only need to throw sp2 once. Still a lot of power you would need, but worth it in long fights. Only conflicting…
I only have 1 r3 and 5 r2s but man I’m so excited for his buff. Looks to be really good and I love ranking up weird champs. This game is to have fun so I’ll probably rank him up soon. Might as well even take him to r3 cause yolo.
Oh it’s Grass my boi! I swear I’ve seen you on forums before but never made the connection between here and your YouTube channel
Would have been really good if you were able to refresh the petrify. That way you could have had a super potent petrify always active.
Alright after reading the buff notes I’m pretty excited. Super happy that he doesn’t need his dupe because I have him but not duped. Looks like he can deal some good damage and his poisons can be refreshed so thats sweet. Only thing I wish they did was change his animations. They’re so basic and with Ant Man they could…
He has those shock ants in the movies. But with that rationale they should have made him incinerate immune as well.
Okay but when are Ant Man buff details?!
Agreed with OS and Nimrod he’s basically irrelevant. You can argue him and Nimrod are different but OS is literally just a beefed up version of him.
Long time ago I got 5* CGR from the 4/5* login crystal. Still yet to get him from a 5* or 6* crystal so man was I lucky to get him.
Same I’m excited cause I got TB during week 2 so I wasn’t able to do all the weeks
Ultron definitely
Nah he seems totally fine to me. He’s a top cosmic champ but not broken enough to be nerfed
I know it’s really annoying. Cause they won’t hit into my block so I can’t parry, then I try to attack but they end up attacking me. Takes fights way longer than necessary. I’m even playing on a new account and going through act 1-3 has stupid ai as well.
Awesome! I could take my doom to r3 but I’m really holding out for 6* Tigra. I also have Dragon Man and Longshot but they aren’t as good as Doom. And NF man absolutely slaps. I got super lucky and got a skill ag to awaken my 6* and holy cow I do not regret it. Good luck getting your next r4! Eop rewards should be really…
I got like 2000 of the t4cc fragment crystals
Really all he needs is high sig and some longer debuff duration and he’s a solid champ. Would love a 6* sig 200 myself
4* Patriotdans Share your pulls here from free legend celebration cav.crystal !! Commentaire de AidenTheWise août 2022
Based on all of the much movies, Mysterio for villain, Star lord or Ant-Man for hero
Will definitely have to check this out! Love seeing other around my age and progression playing the game being that I’m only a college student myself.
Xbox or PlayStation? Or Nintendo switch…?
When you have the ability to use CGR correctly and to his full potential, he is the better champion. But anything that messes with his power, such as matador or power struggle, or his combos, such as mix master, he’s basically useless. Thus Herc is the better champion for general content. I mean just look at the fights…
I used him a ton back in the day cause he was Ike my 3rd 5*. I loved him but I would take a ton of block damage since his playstyle is a lot of parry mm or mlm, or parry heavy. Really solid champ and a sick character model and animations, but he could use some sort of buffdans Wow. Dormammu stans are right: That kit is awesome to play Commentaire de AidenTheWise août 2022
Congrats! One day you’ll look back at all of it and wonder why it was so hard. Finishing act 6 will be tough but act 7 is a ton of fun!