Ayden_noah1 ★★★★
It was a joke comic book done to sell Twinkies. Pure product placement. Golden Oldie's design is essentially what if Aunt May was gold. It's a pretty funny look. The book gets even stranger when Franklin offers Galactus Twinkies to feed his hunger. In what is almost definitely product placement, Galactus says the Twinkies…
I don't think he meant chicken. I am 100% sure he meant chick as in female. When a man plays the game too long and ignores his chick, he will cause damage to him. This game will get your chick mad as hell at you from time to time. I agree with the "chick" damage theory, it is usually unavoidable not just during war, AW,…
There is the luck I was hoping for. Congrats, now if you can share the luck with my account it would be appreciated.
Could you not check to see if you got an refunds on your purchase through the app store or google store? They shoudl have all your records in terms of purchase and refunds. This would either clear you or convict you. You wouldn't have to worry about I don't think I did anything wrong or I can't recall doing it. Just find…
Day one of asking for Herald of Galactus Aunt May. If you are going to ask Kabam for something, at least make it interesting.
This would have the opposite affect. If Kabam sees everyone using him, they would think that the community loves him so why buff a champ that everyone uses.
Nerfing Groot would make him second best champ in the game, so I bring on the nerf. Alll hail Groot, King of MCOC.
Good idea, everyone else stop using Serpent so I can put mine on defense and get an easy win. Let's stop using putting Serpent on BG and AW defense. I support this theory but it doesn't mean I have to follow it. Good thing about life you can support things but doesn't mean to you have to do it. All hail Serpent being on…
Took Domino to rank 3. I regrett that I didn't it sooner. She's not ever summoners cup of tea but she's so useful for most things. No one champ can do everything but Domino is fun to use and when she crits, it's so serious damage. For BG is becomes a dual threat so it makes my opponent draft champs to counter her. Then I…
With your current 7 star champs you can clear up to Act 9.1, any side quest, monthly quest and SOS. For competitive higher tier WAR or high GC placing in BG you will need to more rank 2-3 champs or have 6 star rank 5 ascended champs. Otherwise you are good to go.
Looks like there is a big shadow (Chronoserpent ) is over looking (controlling) the smaller shadow (Act 8 &9 mini bosses).
I don't want to do more AQ then needed so the bonus quest is a no go for me unless it has game breaking rewards. Your idea of jumping to help other group means I can just get 10 players and clear 3 maps - this discourage participaton for the alliance. AQ is suppose to encourage team work not a few players doing everything.…
That's a tough choice. I do love my rank 3 spider hame but I would think twice if I had a 7 star OG Hulk. If you like using one more, I would say that champ.
This game is the most friendly FTP that I have ever played. Most FTP mobile games have ads ever minute and it's so annoying. FTP players can get what most spenders can achieve but it takes longer (around 6 months). If you are impatience and want everything right away than spending is needed. Otherwise if you grind and…
Since most summoners will take forever to get Loyalty as you stated, why have such a long period of time to purchase a crystal. Even if they made it ready available the next day, it won't change anything for the vast majority of people to have enough loyalty to purchase one. Those that do high tier war will get more…
I'm see that 7summoners vote for a champ that isn't out yet. Good to see that they have a very high expectations of Shathra and with Expectations comes immense disappointment. Also I'm surprise Symbiote Supreme isn't on ths list. He's my go to Serpent counter in BG and War. Once you reach a sp3 with Symbiote Supreme (very…
I love both but have Domino at rank 23 sig 40 and she is great. I mainly use her in BG as an attacker and defender so not sure what you need to use her for. Who's your other rank 3?
There hasn't been too many of BG match making is unfair post as usual. Match making must be working as intended. You are match against similar strenght roster up to a certain ranking, than it's free for all. Good thing is that there's a lot of BG farming going on so you should be able get easy wins. Wait, that's not…
I have both at rank 3 and I find Silk to be more fun and smooth to play with. Her combo hit into heavy into specials is so fun to use. They are both great champs and deserve a rank 3. Depends on who you like playing more.
What are you waiting for, set up a youtube channel already and make sure you spend as much as them. Kabam will keep track of your spending so once you reach a certain amount like Vega and Lagacy, the Kabam gods will finally reward you with the newest 7 star and maybe a dupe as well. Don't wait to long since this is a…
Don't let the jealous haters get you down. Also don't use Global, it's nothing but trolls using it.
The title should be "the first of many suppers" since they are doing a 4 month event to celebrate Kabams 10 year anniversary. Sentine, Kirbyl and the Androids don't need to eat. Not sure if Maestro or Nefarious even needs to eat themselves. According to the comic books most powerful supper hereos don't need food, water or…
This is very easy for me since I have Thing unawaken but Korg at sig 40 and Colossus at sig 40. Dupe thing and hopefully to get him to sig 200 for BG defence. At rank 3 sig 200 thing will be a pain in BG. He's will take time to take down.
Global chat is like a sewage in a big city, lots of unwanted garbage will flow through there on a regular basis. To save your sanity, never take anything on Global chat as personal attacks since there are so many trolls who spew nothing but hate and negativity there.
Good thing nobody here is a star or planet. Good thing we live in real human time where 24 hours to get free rewards should be ample time for most summoners. They can't please all summoners who didn't know or are away, but it is what it is.
That Hype is looking good. You might be able to awaken Thing with the current event.
Check out https://auntm.ai/champions. You can see what benefits for each sig.
This is getting intense. So OP wants to be Robin hood and help out the poor little accounts. What a great story. Funny how Robin Hood is not happy with the current Kabam laws that doesn't punish farmers enough, so would like Kabam to give out more harsh punishment and to do it right away. Don't tell him that it's hard to…
I just took my unduped Piggy up to rank 3 over Photon and Venom. I do have a dupe rank 3 Juggs so thank god I didnt' have to make that choice.
Reading is not part of a Summoners' repertoire. So you are definitely expecting to much. Thanks for all the info. Now my hunt for Angela and Black Cat continues.