Carames ★★
Android 10 and, while not a high-end phone, not an older device. It was playing the usual laggy and freezing before the update, but playable. Now, it's laggy, freezing and you have to fight every fight as though it's against stun immune because parry doesn't function.
Force close and restart every 20-30 min. Been that way for months
So my question is the same as I originally asked : Why isn't the game available for the Samsung J3 (or some and not others, since someone above says that they can download it for their j3)? It meets all of those requirements.....
I can confirm the two devices I had trouble with last month (Samsung J3 and J7) were added to my Google Play store a day or two later right before the March content started. This month for April my devices were able to update on launch day (Monday before new content), so whatever compatibly problem they had before appears…
Still not available. Still no explanation from anyone as to why that is. Definitely wouldn't rush out to get a new device that may or may not run the game.
Why not engage in discussion and set the record straight instead of just deleting posts that aren't meant to cause any trouble?
I just feel for the people spending money on the sigil that are sitting there waiting for some kind of answers.
He's 14. Thanks for your valuable input on the subject
Android 8.1 but as it turns out, it only has 1.5GB of RAM, so that must be the issue. I've told him to find a new game to play. Big thumbs down on the heads up and communication from this "company"
Unfortunately, not. My son's Samsung J3 has 2GB.
Since it's been over 2 weeks and there has been no acknowledgement at all of this issue, I'm guessing that it's safe to assume that it's the new normal and the devices that have suddenly been deemed incompatible won't be able to run the game again? I've been letting my son sign into his account on my phone for the time…
Any news on this yet?
My son is having the same issue. Samsung J3 (Android 8).
This latest update is absolutely awful. After 2 or 3 fights, my device completely bogs down and I have to force close the game and restart. Older tablet (android 7), but for months now I've had a reasonable amount of time to play before everything slows to crawl. It's basically unplayable at this point.
I usually just use Domino
As someone who deals with unpredictable lag and stuttering, I find her awakened ability very valuable. If this doesn't apply to you and you can rely on parry/heavy to build up combo shield charges, then it's probably not necessary.dans Should I use my Tech Awakening gem on Guillotine 2099 or wait? Commentaire de Carames septembre 2020
AA and Venom
It must just be random selection. I got the invite, and I only have an unduped, unranked 4* that I've never used.
I found OG Hulk worked best for me. Just stun lock and smash
He's great. I have a tough time finding reasons to not bring him along when questing. The only downside he really has is against anything that punishes you for having a lot of buffs (ie. Spite). Fun to use with smooth moveset, great bleed, can regen, kills spiders easily, and the true strike near the end of fights.
If Hulk is duped, he's great for general questing, especially at that level of the game where there aren't a lot of curve balls thrown at you. As his health wears down, he hits harder. If you have a Thor Rags to throw in with him, he goes indestructible when his health is low and his damage is maximized.
I did the exact same thing. I do still like using him once and awhile, though. His movements seem to really flow smoothly.
I haven't seen one in months either
OG Hulk was great for me. You needed a little luck to stay alive until you can fire off your sp1, but after that, his damage and stun lock was very effective. I'm not a big fan of resource spending to plow through content, and this method kept me from spending more that a couple of farmed revives per run. Stark seems to be…
I really don't even understand the option of buffing Abomination. He's underused because he isn't even available, not because he's bad, necessarily. Most of the older champs could probably use a tweaking because they're all so straightforward compared to the newer champs.
If I'm reading it correctly and you already have Domino, Namor, and OR at r5, I'd choose Emma for her utility.
And don't use a non-mutant bleeder against her
About as silly as jumping onto a thread and steering it off topic for no apparent reason. OP has a very good point and I agree with his thinking. I wouldn't be inclined to throw away resources either.
Emma Frost in telepath mode makes short work of her.
The ignore list is a great fix for that problem 👍