I used domino's trinity. Parry - medium - heavy. Took my R4 undupe domino an average of 12 hits for each pass. You may use killmonger but bring winter soldier for synergy. Try to intercept early in the match to get true strike active
i used AA (4* 5/50, duped) and i didn't even have to read her abilities: only thing to remember is to not land two heavies in a row, but to dash in after the heavy and then back up ^_^
Currently on Elsa bloodstone in EQ on uncollected and she absolutely destroyed me any tips or who’s best to use against her ?
Use IWIM or nick fury. I usually use nick fury and quake synergy to counter her own evade incase I slip up with any champion. Don't just repeat the same basic attack twice in roll she is d easiest
Anyone with a decent block proficiency really. Do Parry-Medium-Heavy, bait SP1s and you're good to go. Don't mess up the rotation though or you're gonna get a tragic evade proc.
Throw in a sp1 and u should b ok.