GbSarkar ★★★
None of this is correct. GP's AAR is an "on-hit" ability meaning that you have to hit your opponent first in order to reduce their ability accuracy. For some reason, Antman's glancing is applied before any on-hit AAR ability and so he reduces their offensive ability (ability accuracy reduction) by 100% and it can't…
50% or the time? Ok then, fight a Mordo with X-23 and parry and heavy attack him. Record the video and post that here. Let's see how many times it fails
Yeah, you guys should have won. Kabam sucks Got what you wanted to hear? Happy now?
Care to tell us where you found this piece of information? Cause I'm pretty sure no mod has ever said this. On the other hand, I remember a mod saying that Drax disabling Quake's evade was intended and that he was counter to it
They are here precisely because of the current mood of the community. Otherwise this thread would have turned into a boycott post. They are here to prevent that form happening. They wouldn't have bothered otherwise. I know they didn't bother to have a community interaction session when android servers went down for 6+(?)…
You can't nullify the buff (not sure about stagger but I think it works the same way). This change simply makes the buff icon correctly represent how it always behaved.
Every champ that could bypass astral evade could do it 100% of the time. It was absolutely not a frame rate issue. How they "fixed" this bug is that now every time a champ evades the first hit of Drax's medium, Drax's champ model slides back at the same time as the evading opponent and doubles the distance between him and…
Adora's top champ is a 4* HB
[ No?
Two things: a) This change hasn't gone into effect so of course you won't notice anything different b) like I said in the beginning of my post, "Nothing changes with DS." Even after 19.0, you won't notice in any difference in the performance of DS. He will still suck. Only difference will be that his hoggoths wisdom phase…
Nothing changes with DS. His hoggoths wisdom purple buff didn't act as an active buff for some reason and this change simply reflects that
Yo Miike, care to check the last few pages of the Domino spotlight and see if you can get some answers from the character designers?
That's demanding too much. 200 gold was already a stretch
You should be familiar with Kabam's version of rng by now
Block break+thousands of points of unavoidable damage each second on the new fun and interactive miniboss node in AW! Yay, I'm so happy!
Wait wait wait wait wait.... I didn't realise this before, but how is the "significant increase in difficulty" (in the form of new minis) supposed to stop 100% exploration? You need to unlink all minis to take down the boss. And you can't skip any of the new minis (except maybe node 29) if you want to do that
Liek if u 100yr old xdxdxdxddxdddc
I can guarantee you none of this will be implemented
Prediction: they will finally find a way to implement synergies in war by the end of the season 3 (or by the middle of the season 4) Unique synergies have a lot of potential to cause deaths in AW. They can't let this one pass by
What makes you think he didn't take a look at the other thread?
I guess asking for answers to legit concerns is frowned upon by our overlords Edit: Heh, I guess they like being called overlords.
This is how unstoppable used to work. The timer did not start as soon as the special animation started and juggs did not have a "split second unstoppable" after his sp2 For some unknown reason*, they decided to change it to its current form (where he gains a temporary unst buff during special animation and then a second…
And now, they buy a new alliance with a high war rating (plenty of abandoned alliances available. Ever wondered why people keep smurf accounts as leaders in those alliances instead of outright deleting the alliance by leaving it?) To add the finishing touches, they change the name and tag of the alliance they bought to be…
Oh, it's really easy to verify. There was no "frame rate change." If it was a frame rate issue it wouldn't have worked 100% of the time against Mordo for all devices. X-23, Elektra and AA can still bypass astral evade. It was a drax specific nerf against evasion (and not just astral evade). Earlier, when any champ evaded…
This might be too late to test it but can someone also test how Killmonger's 15+ bleeds from his L3 interact with masochism, and more importantly, with Domino. Testing against Domino will enable us to check whether the system considers n debuffs placed at the same time as a single debuff or not
Fun fact: I had tested blade against masochism a few months before and the node used to remove only the stun and keep the bleed (opposite to how Thor works). This is just Kabam secretly changing how things works without making any announcements. No need to be surprised. This is a pretty regular thing. As for DV, I'd say…
Sources of degen Rulk—Heat charges failing to proc HE—Hemorrhage, bleeds and power drain from specials failing Hela—fury (from L1 and charging heavy) and break from L2 failing to proc Angela—Failing to duplicate active buffs on crits, failing to change buffs on filling a bar of power Shulk—stuns from specials failing…
False. Quake does not need concussions to evade the opponents basic attacks—at least not the concussion from charging her heavy. The concussion "debuff" icon while charging heavy was added as a visual aid more than a year after her release. Before that, she could evade attacks without a visible concussion debuff icon on…
Now can someone clarify why sentineloids keep gaining analysis charges even under armor shatter? Or how the skill sentineloids purifies armor shatter?
It's bs but that's the way it is and will be. Even Iceman with coldsnap can't stop the labyrinth evade