It deals 2.5% of the OPPONENT'S current health. Meaning that when he has bane, he is getting dealt 2.5% of your current health and when you get bane on you, u r being dealt 2.5% of HIS current health per second.
Coldsnap is not a buff smh. its the debut with the three little sparkles in it that does damage over time, ice armor is the little armor buff, and frostbite is the passive that does damage when it expires/via a heavy attack
none of the above
@jaylerd the chance to pull him is super low. Anyone who really wants him shouldn't waste their time on these and will open featureds.
Not garbage but nothing special. Could have been much worse
I just barely got in the pool, 187k points, and I'm not exactly complaining about not getting my rewards yet but cmon my 75 4 star shards tho :pensive:
Cuz they probably saw the vote that he did where Luke cage was voted the worst science champion which only helped with their theory that champs in the science class in general needed to be buffed, so they decided to take two that they were going to add to the 6 star crystal and make them really desirable champs. Seatin…
Lmao only $100? Try somewhere between $700 and $1,000. They just released these characters, they're not gonna go cheap
Or they could simply add more catalysts for you to choose who to use them on. A rank up gem contains a lot of materials worth and is too much for the eq to contain as of right now in my opinion
No, you're 2,003 attack is not her base attack. You need to see her attack without masteries in her info and use synergies such as yj and antman to make her attack above 2k. But I do think she is a very good option for LoL, and you can try out the sp3 strategy that Seatin showcased at one point and see how the damage…
No, it makes rank up decisions not matter. #rankuptickets
No because I don't have ghost rider in game as a 4 or 5 star, but have a 4/55 Blade and 5/50 Stark Spidey and rly want that synergy. Wink Wink
@Run477 I have 3/5 assassin and I consistently kill GP with specials if they have enough hits for it to eventually break through.
Of course u can't keep the champ score low, its a set number of people. But for the percentage rewards we can help with it.
He's an exclusive champ. More for the collection.
Mate if you're talking about LoL Classic Ultron from hacking u don't deserve to keep him from hacking the game
Yup yup yup, this has happened for a rly long time. It makes it so u need to do the double medium to get imbued then use ur special after the next combo without using a medium hit at the end of that combo.
Basically yeah, Vision if u need the utility but starboard to get some serious sh*t done.
Guys let me preemptively say please say what phone you're using, what OS version, what carrier, and whether you're on data or Wifi. It'll make the process of resolving this quicker.dans Connection issues following the 17.0.2 update (merged threads) Commentaire de Joeswimmer février 2018
@"Kabam Wolf" it happen to me too on an iPhone 6s+ on IOS 11.1.1 (15B150)
Just cuz I don't have Dr. Voodoo. Everything else is a piece of cakedans Who was the toughest to fight in Micheal B. Jordan's challange? Commentaire de Joeswimmer janvier 2018
Not even. There are no increased odds to pull a featured champ from the new crystals. Which means its 1/24 period.
Potions are already in the store, it isn't a sale its just a chance to buy stuff with units that u usually can't
Depends really on what u need. Iceman is better for AW, even unduped, but Wolverine will help u survive if u take too much block damage or if u get hit sometimes and is better in AQ
Void inflicts deign damage when you have rebuffs on you. Poison and bleed are debuts, therefore the extra damage you take is void's degeneration damage, not coming directly from the suicides.
Since I was dong arena basically 24/7 over the weekend, I definitely noticed huge lag spikes during some fights, but luckily it didn't happen in any AQ/AW fights.
As someone who has a 4/55 Blade and used a lot to get him - I would say definitely go for Blade as much as you can, but if u r stressing ur unit stash TOO much to push thru uncollected or to finish Act 4 100% then don't do that. What too much is can be your own choice, but for me I had 4500 units that I saved up for months…
He had the mystic synergy with his team tho and never looked at her tags, so it is impossible to know whether the danger sense came from her being mystic or being a dimensional being.
Primmer79 I don't just preach it when I'm going for the champion. It isn't like I have a chance of not getting him, but I'd like to see some of the lower level players getting him too. It matters much more for these big grinds than when people like Kamala Khan are in arena.
Stark spidey and magic work very well against him