Kacar99 ★
I joined my current Alliance 6h after the 7* celebration alliance event started. I saw the timer and I thought I could claim the rewards after the timer expired. You will be qualified for milestone rewards, that’s the message I get with the timer. Waited 12 days, 23h and 40 min, but I couldn’t claim the rewards. I’ve been…
I could phase 10 out of 10, so finally working!
Welcome to my world mate. The game is broken and even more broken on a iPhone 13 pro max. Don’t expect anything from kabam, they dont care or else a mod would answer this post long time ago. Smh
Kabam Boo, are you serious?! Thanks for been patience?? I made this post back in 20 august 2021 and we still been playing with this issue and you still saying thanks for been patience? Will take few months to release a fix, smh. Kabam doesn’t care, if they did, they already fix it long time ago. It’s just a big joke!
Kabam what’s going on? We need an answer!
I’ve been experiencing issues other then the ongoing game issues since I bought iPhone 13 pro max. My old iPhone 11 didn’t had these problems, so how can you say it’s not my phone?
I’m still having a lot of issues with my iPhone 13 pro max. Lags, parry, dex is not working, my champs just standing and holding block for no reason. Any update on this or do we just gotta live with it, like we do with a broken game!
New update and no ghost recoil bug fix, smh. How long do we have to be patience and wait? It’s been going for months!
Any update? Where is the communication kabam?
We asked for a better communication but seems kabam doesn’t care. Where is the update ?? It’s been months since ghost with hood synergy has been bugged!!
It’s been a while since the last update from kabam. Any new update on this issue? which has been ongoing for months. how much more we have to be patient?
I’m happy for those who aren’t effected. i bought new fast Internet to see if it worked, but unfortunately I'm experiencing the same problems. Still laggy, parry and dex is much worse. My champs just holding block middle of the fights and doesn’t move before I pause the game and when this happen in AQ map 7 with epic mods,…
When are you gonna fix this issue? We been patience enough,
Any update on when we can expect a fix on this issue? I know we gotta be patience, but it’s already been ongoing for a months now.
The game is still awful to play on a iPhone 13 pro max. So much lags, drop inputs, parry and dex issues is huge + my champs suddenly just holding block, standing and not moving. This is annoying, especially when it happens in AQ and AW. Any update on this?
Since my last post, which was 10 days ago, I’ve been experiencing so much lags and drop inputs. Parry and dex is much worse on my iPhone 13 pro max. The game is literally unplayable atm. Any update on this issue?
As kabam Miike said “the show must go on”
Thanks for the response. I do hope the communication will be better from now on, so we don’t have to spam the same question over and over.
How hard can it be to give an update! We been asking for it for a month and you just ignoring us. What’s going on kabam. Ghost with hood synergy has been broken for 2 month. I’ve seen mods answer so quickly in other post, but not this one. Give us pls an update because this is nothing else then frustrating.!!
Any update?
I made this post back in 20 August and they only answered it once and it’s 1 month ago. They doesn’t seem to care tbh. https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/277682/ghost-can-t-phase-recoil-with-hood-on-the-team/p2
No communication yet! Is this how you care about your player base kabam?? This is getting beyond ridiculous! Let us know when we getting a fix!?
So we had a new update out and the issue is still not been fixed. 7.3 is coming and we can’t phase recoil with ghost. Can we get an update pls? @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Porthos" @"Kabam Vydious" @"Kabam Lyra"
This post is made. Pls post here. We have to get focus on this issue. https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/281998/iphone-13-pro/p2
Kabam! Seriously, what’s going on? Why have ghost with hood synergy not been fixed yet??? Why does is take so long for an update?? I made this post back in 20 August and you only answer once and it’s almost a month ago! It’s getting so frustrating. I know you guys reading this. Let’s get that update and fix it pls.
https://youtu.be/b_PVw0kchiY YouTuber MÆX, who also are member of the CCP showcases the issue here. It’s not easy to record a video with the ongoing issue. It’s something you feel and we been playing this game so many years and we can feel when something is off. My old iPhone 11 worked much better then my new iPhone 13 pro…
I hope kabam will fix the issue in the upcoming update?
Kabam can we pls get an update on this issue? We need to phase recoil with ghost, it’s so importat..
Any update?
I don’t enjoy playing the game on a iPhone 13 pro max. So laggy, parry and dex is worse and much more drop inputs. Feels so awful