MayhemEffect ★
considering that your half hour timers reduces the need for time management and strategy, your argument is a contradiction.
It has been said that rank down tickets are only going to be made available when there are significant changes to heroes that warrant it.
I believe that was his point.
actually you can. if you go into your profile you can click on your comments as the old forums worked and get into the threads that way. or If you want to target the flagging positive or negative you can click on your metrics and sift through them that way. though there seems to be a time limit to it keeping track. that…
PM or support channels.
Ooookaayy.. I'm pretty sure most people would agree that I spend to much time on the forum and I do not know what you are referring to. There have not been alot of thread locks in the new forum.
Two points 1 have you restarted the device like people have mentioned to verify that the war data is not out of sync? If no do so. 2. rule 14. 14. Calling out other players or Alliances is not allowed. This includes accusations of cheating or poor behaviour. If you are having problems with another player or suspect someone…
maybe the answer is to ask for an opponent power reduction synergy.
But how should it improve?
technically he is not wrong, it is a matter of how must they want to enforce it. some of the staff share devices, but still keep their own accounts separate because of this. Also adora once mentioned that the TOS includes an age limit of 13, so I am guessing that if your son is still calling it a "hulk game" you may be in…
are you talking the scrapyard? no go for cores or catalysts. new heroes are easy and you will get them eventually without even trying.
I have had issues of things not displaying the in the appropriate currency on occasion when google does not log in, meaning the value I see if not logged into google play is lower than the actual price. Are you in the US or is there currency conversion involved?
considering how much you spoke of hypocrisy what is this? in each post you put up you go after me and expect no reply? and then put an attack to goad me into Playing the last word game with you? So you can blame it all on me? That is passive aggressive, I don't think the issue was your ex wife.
And this is where you fall back to the question, how much is appropriate? How much is public feedback, and where are you sticking your nose in it? Because you got right into marketing and pricing strategies, risk/reward management, player advancement and transparency and communication (an area in which you are not paying…
its free gold.....
You sure put in the efforts to take my opinion down and discredit me. this entire thread holds very little value because he based it on his "integrity" If he did not put it there, I would not have had it to work with.
I do understand what you mean and I also understand sales. And I would never handle it this way, because how you sell yourself is a good display of "user experience". A public beratement is not a good experience. And a UX designer is not necessarily a programmer or a marketer or do they necessarily even work on games,…
Yes Some. As a professional yes. If I tell them it would not be on their PUBLIC BOARD, it would be discreet and respectful and I would do it as a consumer not spouting off that I was a designer. Because this is offensive and if I follow the OP's example he likes feedback on things, so I have to assume this is how he likes…
It means that this, while well written, is ill conceived and disrespectful from a professional point of view. In addition While he may echo the consensus of the reddit and youtube supporters misstates some of the issues that he finds incorrect. Instead of looking at the impact and priorities from a game design and…
wow looks like you are fresh out of college too.
the legends title? it is already closed for this month you were given 2 weeks from the start date.dans When does the current time attack close? I can't find it anywhere. Commentaire de MayhemEffect mai 2017
My first thought.... Ahhhh use paragraphs. long wall of text. Second thought and more on topic. Directly buying characters, with rare exceptions will throw off the risk rewards process in making it to easy to get the right tool for the job. People will buy the 5 to 10 they feel they need and then not care anymore.
I think the mastery arena would be an interesting addition. I am sure there is more that can be done because by comparison to other items the mastery growth is short lived but there is definitely potential there.
Alright you got me on that one, I have not really paid attention to the tags as they were not visible when I first started.dans Why do the Nerfing of Champs only go against offensive Champs? Commentaire de MayhemEffect mai 2017
What do you mean by mastery arenas?
They also have back end metrics that we can not see that tell them how the heroes are performing on a win loss ratio, and that has been discussed on the old forums (has not been mentioned here yet.) Those are metrics they can and do use to see how much of our comments are based in subjective bias as opposed to objectively.…dans Why do the Nerfing of Champs only go against offensive Champs? Commentaire de MayhemEffect mai 2017
It is not a bad thing if people could work together on the whole. But the ability to contribute as a whole is limited not by the players but by the system in place. Upper players can not donate to lower tier players in a way that this can trickle down. (and that is due to people who would otherwise exploit the system) This…
The conspiracy is that Kabam identifies offensive VS defensive champs, they don't. What is going on is that we as players are better than the AI. The win/loss metrics they get on the back end show that the heroes we use actively outperform AI controlled heroes. We use heroes that can be manipulated for maximum performance.…dans Why do the Nerfing of Champs only go against offensive Champs? Commentaire de MayhemEffect mai 2017
What can I say, I will always keep you guessing.dans Why do the Nerfing of Champs only go against offensive Champs? Commentaire de MayhemEffect mai 2017