MegaSkater67 ★★★★
I still don’t think he needs a buff at all haha. It was only today that he easily made his way through the right side of the Autumn of Agony gauntlet. Completely shuts down the jabari fight, can take Cassie/heimdall and can solo northstar. The biggest issue for me is the lack of a 7* to be honest. With all the R3s we have…
My favourite champ in the entire game. Was one of my first 6* R5s when they first released and my first ascension too. I use him for absolutely everything, BGs (which he’s excellent for), war (tier 1), story, challenges etc. He just works, his kit is loaded with utility that always comes in handy, his damage is really…
When I did my run I used Odin and IMIW for the most part. I took the Sauron path, both ignore the evade in different ways. Odin is able to do deal huge amounts of damage with his ramped SP2s and IMIW just deals more and more plasma damage as the fight goes on. They did pretty well overall really, a few problem fights in…
I’ve been a big fan of Emma frost for a very long time. I wrote a guide for her a few years ago, covers just about everything you would want to know about her. She’s fantastic in BGs as a 7* R2, very successful on defence and is a great counter to newer problem champs like bullseye…
She does, I run her with daredevil all the time and I also have peni at r5 too. It’s my go to war team especially in the current meta, very powerful trio. I don’t really have any videos at the moment but I could always share them over line or something if you’re interested
Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man classic. These two are by far my favourites. But I love a lot of other science champs too like Sandman, QS, Anti-Venom, Spider-Man 2099, Cassie. It’s a great class overall and arguably my favourite class alongside skill.
Anti venom is very good for that. Bit of an unusual one but he’s super tanky. It works best at high sig, anything that doesn’t crit can be healed back to a fairly decent extent. This includes SP3 attacks as long as you survive the impact. There have been many situations where I’ve taken a SP3 to the face, been knocked down…
Tigra and mordo are the two I use. Nobody expects you to use mordo which is great too, because they tend to hold a counter for him expecting him to be a defender. All you have to do is get to SP2, land the soul barb and then he’ll melt in seconds. When below your first bar try to hold heavy to build fury and get power gain…
At the moment I really want Kate as a 6* from featured and to dupe my 7* rocket. Kate because I’m big fan of the skill class and she sounds like she’ll be a lot of fun to use, the synergy with ronin would pair really well with my R4 sig 200 Ronin as well. Rocket is an old favourite of mine. Got him as my first 4* back in…
He’s always been immune to both, it’s under the passive section of his ability page:
For me it’s The Amazing Spider-Man 1 and 2. Spider-Man has been my favourite character all my life and that was my favourite of the live action ones. I liked the original trilogy and will always have a soft spot for it after growing up with them. But Garfield was absolutely brilliant as Spidey, I know the sequel gets a lot…
Chavez! Love that champ, great choice
I mean it just had to be right? Love that guy
If I remember correctly I think it was 56? So 112 every second, nothing crazy but it is near permanent so still decent. The regen rate has never bothered me with him, I find him more sustainable than a lot of champs just because he’s constantly healing all the time. The utility he provides is extremely good/versatile and…
Honestly I just rank who I enjoy the most. I always have, people have always called my rank ups a bit crazy or irrational but they work for me and I have a lot of fun with them. I don’t see the point in ranking someone else if I hate them. Besides, we all know daredevil is the best skill champ in the game haha
Same here. I’m not a lover of the cosmic class in general but I have a lot of fun with odin. He’s such a cool character too, that was what made me want him in the first place
He’s great, looking forward to to trying him out in war
For me it was my easiest run. I went right with Spider-Gwen (6* R4), peni (6* R4) and my 5* s2099.I used Hercules to get to the swap out node and then replaced with my 2099. Gwen took every fight from then on, the synergy with peni allows her to start fully ramped so she’s hitting hard immediately. She was extremely good…
Yeah it doesn’t make any sense. I’ve seen some fast recovery times after an attack is finished, I can deal with that because at least you can block/dodge etc. But there’s nothing I can do when it’s happening in the middle of a multi-hit animation. Heavy attacks are pretty important for daredevil to control his combo count…
There’s nothing wrong with him. One of my favourite buffs and champs in the game. He has a broad range of utility, very decent damage if you play him right and can tackle a lot of content and difficult matchups. They did a brilliant job with his buff and he’s extremely fun to use. He’s just overlooked and misunderstood for…
Spider-Gwen Peni Parker DDHK This is my favourite trio. Use them for pretty much everything. There isn’t much that team can’t handle usually
Nobody comes close to tigra for me personally, she’s in a league of her own
I’m glad it was helpful to you, I’ve always loved dorm he’s a great champ. Not written anything like that for a while now, might do some more at some point but I don’t get time like I used to sadly.dans Wow. Dormammu stans are right: That kit is awesome to play Commentaire de MegaSkater67 août 2022
There’s a decent chance it might’ve been, I’ve been talking about how great dormammu is for a very long time haha. Been a few years since I wrote that guide, I’ll link it below for anyone who’s interested. I for some reason can’t seem to awaken my 6 star, it took a long time to even pull him. I’d like to take him up and…dans Wow. Dormammu stans are right: That kit is awesome to play Commentaire de MegaSkater67 août 2022
With my r4 I did it in 59 hits. I always thought his damage was decent but it’s definitely gone up recently, I’m hitting 17-18k on a medium without the direct damage and SP2s are landing between 60k and 80k with a ton of bleed damage to follow. With the level of utility he has in his kit he’s crazy good. He’s been my…
I’d recommend learning how to play her first before giving her the gem. You might dupe her in that time naturally. Tigra is amazing if you’re willing to dedicate yourself to learning her properly. It’ll take a lot longer than other champs because you need to learn the spacing against as many opponents as possible. But if…
Spider-Gwen, because she just is
You should try him out, he’s actually really good