MikePendragon ★
What does your Mastery setup look like?
Hercules, Scorpion, Magneto, or Onslaught
Do we know unit costs for crystals yet?
Same, I got 2 mystic gems today. Saving one for Isophyne. Trying to decide on who to use the other on: Shathra, Kushala, or White Tiger?
Phoenix Five versions (Particularly Colossus and Magik - can we please get new versions in other classes?)
But, he can buy some of the daily specials to make up those missing 6 tickets.
I've got the same problem. I came back to the game after years away, and can't remember the secondary email for the 2nd account.
Spot. Meh
Tigra Duel Target: Strangely
Mine are the same. Duel Target for Sabretooth is sabretoota. Anybody got a Beast target?
I stockpiled (didn't use) all of the 5 star Sig stones I've gotten since I started playing, that's how I got Omega and Venom to level 200. I've got about 80 stones in each of the skill, science, and tech classes because I haven't awakened anyone worth using them on yet. I received more cosmic and mutant stones for some…
I've been playing for over 2 years now. I got in an awesome alliance to start off which got me a good chunk of the way. Especially considering I didn't dupe a 5 star until roughly my 38th or 39th crystal. And let's just say that stockpiling sig stones when you get them is a really good way to do things. Special events were…
Thanks guys!
@UmbertoDelRio If Namor was already awakened, it'd be a no-brainer. And while Darkhawk is double immune, Iceman has triple immunities. Personally speaking, I'd rather run either Sentinel or Stark Spidey over Darkhawk (for either Sentinel's debuffs/utility or Sparkey's sheer damage). The real question is, given the fact…dans Who will be of more use for Act 5 Progression and Act 6? Commentaire de MikePendragon octobre 2019
Thanks for confirming what I already figured, guys and gals. Appreciate the input. Now I just need a buttload of T4Cosmics for Rank 4.
House of M, with the introduction of both a new Scarlet Witch as well as a 5 star version.
Sorry, it was meant to be Ronin. Stupid autocorrect on my phone. Anyways, what do you think?
Thor: Endgame Skill champ (b/c dual wielding Mjolnir & Stormbreaker) Immune to Coldnap (beer belly gives him protection like whale blubber) SP1: OG Thor's SP2, but with Stormbreaker and Mjolnir SP2: High hit count, whirling dervish style attack with Mjolnir and Stormbreaker SP3: Go For The Head: He rises into the sky,…
@Denslo500 I have a 5/50 awakened Corvus, but with Venom's rework, I've been using him instead. Also, I have a maxed 5/50 Starky for evade.
I think OP hit the nail on the head. Biggest things for me are the difficulty and that the rewards don't match the difficulty. It takes far too long to acquire enough dungeon crystals.
Rocket sucks. Sabretooth all the way
I am not an apple user. I'm on android. I ballparks it, thanks
How do you do that? Where is the game center?
Oh, I know he is. I have a 3 star version. I wouldn't call myself a veteran though. Only about a year of play under my belt. But I need him for synergy team.
Brother, Archangel is amazing if you awaken him. And with your 4 star version locked out, I'd say dump your resources into him.
So if I put up around 1.5, I should make top 10 percent?
Was gonna open up two basic 5 stars today, but I accidentally bought a featured instead...Ooops....or so I thought....who should pop out but Mr Powell himself, Darkhawk! I'm thinking it was a worthwhile mistake, as I'm not yet UC (stuck on 5.1.6 but I hope DH is the key I've been waiting for).
Dude, it depends on where you are in the game. If you're not UC, Scarlet Witch or AA would be your best options. I've been hunting that Witch for a while now and she keeps eluding me. I've got the Sig Stones saved to take her straight to 99 and an Awakening Gem just waiting for her. She'd be my choice.
I have him awakened at 4 star level, 5/50, and I'm telling you, don't do it. The benefit you actually get is minimal, because if you're getting hit at 1% health already, by the time the opponent's combo is over, if you aren't already dead, you'll be hitting for nothing and it's not worth a class gem, much less a generic.…
Yeah, I need to know the odds before anything. Also, is the awakening gem generic? @"Kabam Miike"