N8buckeye08 ★★★
I think Nick makes sense as he is a different beast once duped (same as Mr. Sinister, Nightcrawler, and Captain Marvel). People would have to be lucky enough to have an awakening gem for him or wait a year for the insane “deal” like they just ran on Nightcrawler.
Is Dazzler r3 material unduped? Will get her next week with the platinum trackdans Dazzler is one of the best BG attackers we’ve ever seen in a while Commentaire de N8buckeye08 7 févr.
It’s pretty easy. Just read the nodes and pick good counters. It’s free to re-run so you don’t have to burn revives. This has been one of my favorite months so far as it’s 12 fights that require a little bit of thought and challenge but all doable.
Knull is a good complement as he benefits from the same nodes. Fire off two SP1s and you’re at 100% health and they’re at 0%
It would be nice if you could minimize a “set” of challenges so you only have the challenges that you are interested in listed out. For example, I’d minimize Vol 1, 2, and 3 and still have the remaining CCP and Necropolis challenges expanded out.
The first saga hacks addition was horrible but the last couple have provided some really nice hacks with plenty of opportunity to regen. I actually like it because it was getting a little stale just running Aegon or cosmic champs. That said, there should be some type of hack that benefits you for having buffs. There are…
Seems like fair compensation is 10 additional saga stones.
For the Hulkling tech/science paths, any recommendation for a Photon alternative? She has eluded me
Separately, for running the full 15 rooms, Silk and Knull with the fury on non damaging debuffs hack and regeneration on either non damaging debuffs and/or specials is a pretty strong core. Any suggestions for a third champ?
Don’t all the deathless champs have synergies with their original? I’d say run a room and a half with Hulk, then run 3 rooms with DGuillotine, Dvision, and DThanos. Not that you need it but any saga champs that have synergy with Hulk to boost him a bit?
Was thinking the same thing… seems Red Skull would be better so long as you don’t parry too much
It needs an update, but the bundles that include T3A and T6B are useful if a little outdated. The T5 class bundle is probably the cheapest way to get that resource. It definitely needs access to T6 class and T4A. It might even be worthwhile to have a bundle that has a minuscule amount of T7B that costs basically an entire…
I do hope whenever they release the 7-star pieces again that there’s a way to awaken the champs if you missed the WOW/SOS/AOA fights. I’m practicing on necropolis and having guillotine awakened would be really helpful, but no way am I spending a regular awakening gem on her.
If they don’t plan to bring them back, I’d have them just round up to a whole paragon crystal for everyone and get rid of it.
It seems a long time since we’ve had the revive bundle as an option. I definitely think Ares is going to take a ton, especially the first few times fighting him.
No way you make it through any of the lanes if you would need 99 revives for that last 1% lol
Any guesses for how many revives for your average valiant player, not MSD lol? I’m guessing I’ll have to restock my revives fully each time so looking at 6 months unless I open my wallet.
Does anyone proof-read those slides before they go on air?
I don’t think they’d do Isophyne… I hope not at least. That would be a real bust
I hope they do the revive bundle soon.
I think it depends on how hard Ares is. If he’s worse than Necro grandmaster, I’m in trouble
I wonder if this has to do with 9.2 nodes or boss.
Did anyone get a screengrab of the paths? Might be fun to start strategizing the teams to bring and which is the easy path for the first completion
I think Galan gets added in an event like the Omega event last year
That didn’t stop them from just having one mutant in the current Titan. Given they’re only doing 4 new Titans a year and likely 5 of those are new champions with 1 being a promotion of a 6-star exclusive champ, it seems like a great opportunity to add a buffed/reworked champ. Could this be when we see Cyclops?
Was looking forward to the incursion artifacts
Mr Sinister duped cooks (second chance hack is a nice bonus). Run him with Knull and Silk… preferably with the regens and furies on debuffs and regens on specials
That’s a lot of ISO to miss out on and building towards max sig on more 6 stars. I think the approach the old sigil had for exchanging 5-star for 6-stars shards weekly was probably closer to what should have been done. Trade in 15,000 6-stars shards for 5,500 7-star shards. 7-star shards aren’t that valuable as a valiant,…
Missed quicksilver… would definitely spend units to buy that emote if given the option
The community is going to lose its mind when she’s a WOW/SOS/AOA fight