So we will shift from having 19,988 titan shards to ------------------------> 19,976. Lol I was one of those who actually had 19,988 titan shards last year at one point.
Are you being serious, or is that meant to be a joke?
I don’t attempt to spread misinformation as a joke. I’m passing on what I’ve been told
I'd really like to know why. We've had one since forever. Add this to no true "holiday" calendar and things lately are looking....well unusual to say the least.
Hello. The LNY event had gotten stale over the years. This year we have decided to mix things up a bit and celebrate some different events.
Don't worry, the rewards (especially the Units) will be included as rewards in these other events.
I wouldn't call it stale. It one of the better short events that's still really rewarding. Even if the OCD from odd amounts of shards always left an itch you can't scratch.
Hello. The LNY event had gotten stale over the years. This year we have decided to mix things up a bit and celebrate some different events.
Don't worry, the rewards (especially the Units) will be included as rewards in these other events.
wish we would have known this a bit ago, but atleast we will see the units somewhere else. Question, will it be spread out to different events? Or will there be one event that includes a similar amount of units to the LNY?
It will be spread out across a couple events we are planning. Probably less overall work though (not all the designs are locked so I can't say for sure).
It will be spread out across a couple events we are planning. Probably less overall work though (not all the designs are locked so I can't say for sure).
Can we get an update on when the next “event” will be? January was pretty rough to get through
It was stale, it was a long winded auto fight that fest. Even for brand new accounts I can’t remember it offering anything of a challenge. And hopefully we won’t see the really odd number of shards and rewards. It’s good Kabam are tailoring the rewards for other events.
It will be spread out across a couple events we are planning. Probably less overall work though (not all the designs are locked so I can't say for sure).
Kabam will realize, one way or another, that people that don't buy units will still keep not buying units, after these people leave the game.
Yeah, after the 95% of players who don't spend leave the game because the annual supply of in-game units drops from 74000 units to 73000 units, I'm sure Kabam will learn their lesson.
Oh wait, they are going to put those units into other events. Well, I'm sure some players will still quit anyway, because I wouldn't say literacy and computational acumen are universal properties of the playerbase.
I was one of those who actually had 19,988 titan shards last year at one point.
Jokes apart. I guess devs may give us somthing else to cover up lunar events yearly rewards.
It would be a shame to lose on loyalty and units this event offered in the past years.
Lunar event was actually a great event for such low efforts.
Don't worry, the rewards (especially the Units) will be included as rewards in these other events.
Thats sad.....😭😭😭
Oh wait, they are going to put those units into other events. Well, I'm sure some players will still quit anyway, because I wouldn't say literacy and computational acumen are universal properties of the playerbase.