Hey vik i sent msg via line
Yeah they dont have the rights
Sent you friend request marc
Hi marc send me ingame request protisak
I keep saying the only thing thst will balance this out is to penalize people for sucking. Bring back defender kills and put the decision back in our hands. I sit in tier 2 and we approach the game like this. 100% diverse. If the team is a lower pi we are going to 100% the map no matter what we win. If the team has dupes…
I will contact you ingame.
Still looking
I like the direction but the execution is lacking. I like the points added for diversity. It makes the game less predictable and i am hoping they are basing this move on the future of the game where we will have better defensive heroes to choose from like morningstar and mephisto. Both have strong defensive abilities. The…
If you fill his power meter to 1.5 good chance to chain stun
I dont think i recieved a friend request. I always respond to the appropriate inquiries. I have recieved one from a player with about 4k prestige that i declined. Not sure if that was you but i am unable to accept prestge that low it will drop us out of our bracket. If it was you very sorry but i did place requirements in…
Lol, was abit arrogant to think because you couldnt down her there was no answer lol. All that aside i am sure this post helped many as you are most definately not the only person who had a tough time
Yeah was a nice gesture and if its free its me lol. However it did nothing to help the fact that i had to use revives and pots day 1 map 6 due to death by bugs. They dont always have to give stuff away but i like the idea of halls of healing or special event quests that help us recoup lost product while keeping us playing…
Added you
Yes contact me ingame protisak
Still need 1 preferrably b4 AQ