Rohit_316 ★★★★★
How are you all getting to sig 200 ? Can someone guide me how to earn more sigs for 7* in content , apart from holiday gift sigs.
Sassy will be my vote . At r3 with his massive health and attack , he will be a great dual threat .
I am just waiting for a 7* Rintrah ...a r4 Rintrah sounds scary.
Kabam has always offered the best to the max progression title and then slowly reduced the gap . If they do consider this , they will only do it for Valiant players since the july 4th deals and other progression based rewards have already created a huge gap between paragon and valiant.
I earned the title now so waited for the right time to ask this 😂
Waiting for dual crystals to update so i can get some mutant isos . Had i pulled him a week ago he would have been r3 already with my act 8 mutant 2-3 gem. 🥴
I have heard good things about Prowler . Do take him for a ride in some best and worst matchups.
I think it's just a matter of who first ...i am not gonna leave Mantis at r1 if i decide to filly level her up since 7* takes so much iso( will take her to r2 if i level her up ) . Same is the case with Bullseye.
Catalyst are no problem . I have enough of them . Real problem is isos lmao.
Which one is who i still can't figure out 😂
So r2 her or rank 5 Bullseye ?
Does Mantis needs dupe ?? I have a 7 star but i am confused whether to rank 2 her or rank 5 Bullseye.
Hahaha Dorky my guy , you are the mentor for 90% mcoc community as you taught us how to parry when we all started mcoc. No perfect parry = no progress .
Appreciate that bro 😄
I spent 18k BG currency just to complete the remaining 1350 shards to open a 7* crystal ...i i knew i will regret it later since 18k BG tokens gives 10 times more value if you are a Valiant but i just had to purchase it . Now i have only 9 units left , no BG currency , enough isos to rank and 60 mil gold lol
Thanks bud 💯
That's the amount of PHC is have ...wanna trade ??
Defo excited to use him.
Thanks mate !! Havok sure seems a better option there.
Yeah Havok seems to be a great option . Not too sold on Colossus honestly.
I have heard good things about Wolf...i wasn't sure if people used him much after that BG season got over where he became popular.
Shocker is my rank 2 right now and defo is debate for rank 3 but then a duped Warlock is up there in discussion too. Venom is a beast and i am torned between him or Mantis or Gamora maybe.
Yet another good event with yet another poor rules and policies.
I will do what you do , but since you don't know what you will do so idk what i will do too . Maybe we can ask others what they will do.
And that is when ??
Nimrod is the fastest . Ironheart has a small rampup ..but we shall see her glory soon.dans Ironheart Deep Dive - She looks freakin beyond god tier !! Commentaire de Rohit_316 février 2024
Never ever read the story except few dialogues here and there. It's not that interesting either . It's also a complete waste of time because people anyways spend lot of time playing the game. Anyone who has been reading them for years is either unemployed who has lotta free time or a total marvel freak .
This is why being in a plat 3 alliance , my alliance still doesn't care about RAIDS and we all are damn happy with it . Kabam is very very stingy when it comes to rewards and RNG can totally destroy your motivation. What's even the point of doing such long content when rewards are random ?? The rewards should have been…
OP's "long writeup" are DNA's introduction lines.
Woah !! I wasn't expecting KP and Scorpion neck to neck . Does Scorpion needs high sig as well ??