Archangel and doom : )
i personally think it is sir pablo henry the sixteenth
bump 🤌
Please please do archangel. As the owner of a 6* r5 archie he's absolutely busted. Insane cheatcode for anything that bleeds or can be poisoned
today I made a sandwich. That's all. I sat on the floor and ate my sandwich. I am a happy man.
my brother in Christ how hard hath kabam milked thee 😔dans Looking for active alliance (Over 19k prestige and 20 rank 5s) Commentaire de SUPREME77 juillet 2023
check under your bed tonight 😃 (I am desperately in need of exactly 8 gold)
i absolutely despise korg with a burning passion
I'm pretty sure a massive majority of the players who play this godforsaken game have no idea what the heck even is a trello, or where to find it. They should just send thier **** in-game smh.
that's kabam in a nutshell for ya
Average kabam moment
it if was my nephew that little demon would be in a moment making that money back 🤣
Absolute chad
it's mine now 😈
stay safe y'all! Dont get shot. May the 4th be with you
r5 aa owner here
ai is on a lotta recreational drugs.
throw cash at kabam
7*s exist. 6r5s are all over. Aq still sucks. Aw is down for a bit. Battlegrounds is a new gamemode. The economy is horrible.
@Swedeah we need you
y'all need to change up the game team smh
Rip to ya bruv
I'm sh*t scared of centipedes and this just gave me a heart attack
You're doing god's work heredans PSA: Here's where the web store is (but don't take my word for it) Commentaire de SUPREME77 juin 2023
Battlegrounds&AW focused ally • Minimum 250K BGs • 3 BGS War Mandatory • AQ Optional • Line Required • To Join, Contact me on Line- fallen_herald69
Battlegrounds&AW focused ally • Minimum 250K BGs • 3 BGS War Mandatory • AQ Optional • Line Required • To Join, Contact me on Line- fallen_herald69
Wanna merge allies?dans 16.8k Prestige Looking for BG focused alliance max milestones Commentaire de SUPREME77 juin 2023
Battlegrounds&AW focused ally • Minimum 250K BGs • 3 BGS War Mandatory • AQ Optional • Line Required • To Join, Contact me on Line- fallen_herald69 We're brand new : )
Bahaha done 😈
Battlegrounds&AW focused ally • Minimum 250K BGs • 3 BGS War Mandatory • AQ Optional • Line Required • To Join, Contact me on Line- fallen_herald69