Tasty_Yum_Yums ★★★
Mordo > both Cyclops 😏
Let me check the trello boards….
I have to reiterate, Root was not a bug. It was working as intended. The devs decided that they wanted to change it because they didn’t like some of the outcomes it yielded (to the player base) @"Kabam Miike" saying the player base should have gone to the trello boards because that’s where bugs are tracked is inadequate.…
I’m sure Kabam will next tell us we need to check a Trello board and then the ouija board.
I based my rankup on your “balancing updates”. Where does it say anything about Trello boards??? When has this ever been a thing in the past??? https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/334825/balancing-update-baron-zemo-and-absorbing-man
So you’re telling us that a champ that was hinted at being buffed several months ago, was meant for NEW players to get excited about? And these new players are going to get through content more easily with learning how to skip to build up to a super slap that does subpar damage…. Especially since a vast majority of new…dans Are you happy with the buffs to Yondu and Deadpool X Force? Commentaire de Tasty_Yum_Yums juin 2022
What is simple about building up skips for new players? Where is the payoff for doing so? It’s one thing to keep things simple. It’s another to neglect utility AND damage.dans Are you happy with the buffs to Yondu and Deadpool X Force? Commentaire de Tasty_Yum_Yums juin 2022
Please tell the team to look into DPX weak rework as the source of the issues in game.
I see this as another Ebony Maw, needing multiple buffs/tweaks.
It seems like this might be a solid team to run for DPX too
My first R4…. Just pure hope in kabam’s rework of him
I’m out of sig stones for now. I’m prepared for the worst and hoping for average for the overhaul 😂
I am not talking about whales. Consider BG that’s free to play. It takes him a while to save up 6* shards and then he pulls a maxed champ and gets less value than he would have if he opened a 4*.
No announcement before the day of the actual event? That’s like putting on your blinker after you’ve made a turn.
I should have rephrased my inquiry. “Why is SP1 a projectile?” If M hits arent a projectile, neither should the SP1 be projectiles either
We submit tickets and are then told via generic response to bring it up on the forums. 95% of the time we bring it up in the forums, they are closed. I’m not taking a stance on either side of this compensation package being up to par or not. But I do disagree with the remarks of letting you all know about it and there not…dans The Beyond God Tier compensation has finally arrived !! Commentaire de Tasty_Yum_Yums novembre 2021
Grab a snickers…..
Why do we have the random order of AQ/AW alliance potions with regular attack potions. Then have act 6 potions with arena potions. Then have awakening gems with more AQ/AW potions. Etc. There isn’t a reason for this randomness nor does it help any player to spend time going through items since some of these items are on a…
People seem to disagree with the thought of specific rank down tickets because “players didn’t rank up those champs for that reason.” If that’s true, then specific rank down tickets won’t be used and that much and it won’t matter then yeah? Only those that really had an issue with the change would rank down… So why would…
So you have a champ like Corvus that you claim is having an interaction not intended. You also have Heimdall synergy, G2099, and most recently Hercules. All these champs that have mechanics which you knew had this interaction yet you placed them in the game and let people spend time and money to get them knowing that a…
The important thing is we receive AQ and AW potions that will expire in the overflow
This has nothing to do with rewards. This is directly meant for means of compensation. New crystals which can hold solo AQ revives, team AQ revives, solo AQ potions, etc can be issued out instead of those items. These are the items that often go into the overflow and are needed at other times. Compensation shouldn’t be a…
Maybe send out a 6* class Nexus to see if it fixes the issue. If it doesn’t work, at least you’re exploring all options @kabam 😏
Lost a champ in AQ due to this. Lost all 3 champs in incursions from this. I started incursions AFTER the issue had started and was “temporarily” resolved. I thought the issue was fixed altogether otherwise I would have waited for the fix. I’ll hold for now (unless I don’t here back for before AQ energy is refilled) and…
That works! Thank you Mr. Kabam Boo
My post was closed, as were others. Rather than just closing the threads, please send me and others to a place where we have updates. Just closing a post does not help the situation. Thank you for the support and understanding @kabam
This post was a duplicate. Not sure why. Tried to delete but only have the option to edit.