Tman0971 ★★
Anybody have any ideas??
Yep same here. Ipad pro 11 (2021). Just trying to enter RoL legends to test some new champs. Tried in Act 9 as well, same thing. I uninstalled game and reinstalled but no difference. Update: tested on my iphone 13 Pro and no issues. Latest Update Issues
Game issues causing so many ppl to leave Tier 1 AW, now even BG’s… are Kabam trying to get everyone to quit the game? I’m out of alliances, absolutely through with BG’s with all these bugs, and can’t even get through a path to in 8.4 to try and get completion without every single fight having some sort of bs fiesta in it…
No human can re-parry dominos first double-hit medium - that’s been known since she came out. Are you saying the AI can now?? Gonna need to see some video @beefsy … not saying you’re lying, just gotta see it to believe it.
I signed up for the beta hot-fix... hope I get selected.
same here. that's annoying.
Can't be overstated imho. I can't even get through a path in Cav EQ at this point. Very frustrating.
Deja vu all over again??? This post is from almost 4 years ago people and I remember it well because I posted a lot of video evidence to support it (as well as many other threads during this time from update 13.x up past 17.x) When I see folks on here complaining non-stop about lack of QA/testing and others refuting them,…
I’m leaning more and more towards this conclusion myself with what I’m experiencing in fights this past week. Just today I was fighting morning star boss in 5.4.2 on my mini acct with warlock and she fires her sp1 but I knew it was coming and hit block way ahead since I had her pinned on the wall... her first hit of the…
Any updates on this?
How about posting some video? I’ve seen issues with parry timing just being way off but it seems to be more micro lag related as the other interactions are just slightly off during the fight as well. That said, I have yet to see the Parry text flash up but opponent keeps going like it never happened... heard others say it…
Very interesting discussion here 😊
It’s Canadian Thanksgiving today so we wont get any updates till tomorrow at the earliest...
Its not like specials (or heavies or even mediums) sliding clear across the screen is anything new man... I’ve been posting vids along with many others for over 2 years now.
It appears that Sasquatch’s rupture damage has been significantly reduced with the release of this month’s patch. From testing, rupture damage is down ~60%. Can anyone else confirm? Was this intended tuning, and if so, was their a post about it that I missed?
Thanks @Menkent. Posted here for more evidence.
Let me verify...
@ctp1223 unfortunately there isn't an IOS app or function for screen capture of inputs (apple views it as a major security risk)... too bad because it would make proving the myriad of input drops a lot easier. OK, there is actually an app but your phone has to be jail broke to install it and use it but if you jail break…
This same thing is happening with other multi-hit, contact based champs (i.e., non-projectile specials) much like recent issue with Warlock (SP1) and Ghost (SP2). Seems some “tuning” has happened recently and has had side effects. Try to get video of it if you can.
Interesting... so that definitely sounds like something is broke here.
I’ve been playing Ghost a LONG time now and never experienced this issue myself until this past few weeks pushing for 100% 6.4 and now i’m seeing it every other fight. Here’s a vid of 6.4.2 aggression precision path vs Domino. I’ve had the first hit whiff MANY times but if the 2nd hit connects, the 3rd has ALWAYS…
Wrong thread
@will-o-wisp thanks
And why I did the Champion fight ONCE and won't touch 6.2 again till who knows when... maybe never. :)
That is true, and I remember it as well. But if we are going to compare The Collector fight and The Champion fight, the second one is way more difficult than the first one. At least against the Collector, any champion would work, and eventually the HP would just go down and down until it got K.O. But against The Champion…
I think the OP's point (which seems to have been missed in most of these responses) was that with so few viable counters to SOME of the nodes/champs in advanced content, saying they (Kabam) want balance in the game is kind of a one-way street. I could be wrong but that's how I read it.
@will-o-wisp First let me say that I completely agree with your assessment and conclusion... BUT... We all said this when the Collector first came out in ACT 5.2 as I'm sure you remember. Nevertheless, we ponied up our items/units/cash and did it anyway for the sweet, sweet, promised rewards of being UNCOLLECTED! Yet here…
And I'm still a bit annoyed that they made ZERO mention of all the other champs that have this exact same ability. It's a weak argument in my opinion. But that's just me.
Yep just experienced the same thing in that Hela fight. What’s going on I wonder? @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Lyra" @"Kabam Zibiit"
You mean MORE random lag, right? ;)