Unknown5557 ★
Let’s goooo, I have now successfully voted for the loser of each round of the vote, do I get a special prize?
Are you dexing his specials and not his basic attacks? By the way you post is worded it makes it sound like that, but the indestructibles are only removed when you dex hits from his special attacks
I’ve had this happen multiple times now, even when I’m the one going into my hit animation first I’ll still somehow get medium intercepted. It’s honestly getting super annoying and I hope this gets looked at soon
Wait so you used xbones on a lane with crit me with your best shot? No wonder you’re having trouble, xbones kit makes it so that he can’t crit ever
Assuming this person got all the free crystals from both the banquet tickets and the milestones, that comes out to 26 crystals (21 superior and 5 greater). That means only 2500 points (21 x 100 plus 5 x 80 = 2500) came from non purchased crystals. So take the 2,562,100 and subtract 2500 and that comes out to 2,559,600…
He’s already on there under ebony maw
I play a bunch of different games but right now I’m focusing on a playthrough of Subnautica. Since they recently announced Subnautica 2 I wanted to jog my memory of the story and it’s been a fun experience so far
He was being sarcastic
That was gonna be my next guess
Idk, you seem to be on the forums quite often so I think it’s a fair representation lol
You’re right, I’m still half asleep so I misread that😅
Have you tried using all caps? That’s what worked for me, but it could also be expired
My brother in Christ, that’s a DC character
Fair, but he could’ve phrased that a lot less aggressively
Simmer down dude, op just wants to know if he’s ranking the right people for his team, no need for all this snark
All I’m getting from this is that she’s hard countered by Shang chi, which is a plus for me because I love playing him lol
Shang chi, Gamora
Iron patriot. All the other meme tier iron men have gotten their buffs so i feel like he should get one as well.
If you’re into alternative rock/rap then I’d suggest twenty one pilots. “Blurryface” and “Trench” both have more rap but there’s also “Scaled and Icy” which is more laid back and “Vessel” and “Clancy” are a mix of both.
Genuinely curious, why did you put sigs on torch? There are a lot more science champs that need them more than him.dans 100 sigs to use on my 5* from Poolies. Is this graphic still valid? Commentaire de Unknown5557 mai 2024
I’ve noticed something like that as well. My main isn’t nearly as laggy as you’ve described, but when I log onto my alt it’s a lot smoother and the loading screens seem to be much quicker.
Not sure what the cav offers look like, but if you’re targeting a specific champ then the abyss nexus is arguably the best crystal for that (not including selectors of course).