Vdh2008 ★★★★
The basic 5* should be changed to % based. The Basic 6* should be top 300. I'm fine with the featured arena staying as announced, but the basic arena should be where we can target old champs to fill spots in the rosters. I really miss the old meta when 4 stars were king, and we could "easily" get the basic 4 star champ…
The basic 5* should be changed to % based. The Basic 6* should be top 300. I'm fine with the featured arena staying as announced, but the basic arena should be where we can target old champs to fill spots in the rosters. I really miss the old meta when 4 stars were king, and we could "easily" get the basic 4 star champ…
I believe the answer you're looking for is, Yes, it's not no, ok, so no it's yes.
5/6 star shards are everywhere in this game and T5B and T2A is still way too rare, so I will be doing the resource side all month.
Hmmmm.... let's see... Take the side that depends totally on RNG to get good rewards? Or get guaranteed decent rank up resources? Tough choice.
Just bad timing.... AW Season basically screwed for hundreds of alliances... Namor/ Cull issues that that look REALLY bad considering the time it took to get done... Here's a 80% 3 star crystal. Now I KNOW that this is not supposed to be related, but as a community liaison, you have to think about the mindset of the…
11 months and counting.... It's embarrassing. Will this bug literally be in the game for a whole year or more with little to NO communication or improvement? That's just sad.dans Hitting into block being countered by specials. [Merged Threads] Commentaire de Vdh2008 mars 2020
I actually agree with @Demonzfyre for a change... I really DO want better rewards with no raise in difficulty, and I think that's actually not a bad ask at this point... Historically, rarer champions and rarer rank up materials have been EASIER to get with LESS effort over time. There has always been something that we all…
I'll be selling my R5 Namor... However I have absolutely NO faith that this process will be going smoothly given Kabam's track record... Make SURE you screen shot everything so you can add it to support tickets later guys.
Personally, I actually have LESS faith in the process than I had before... It's great that the game team chose to show the "data" the decisions were based on, BUT the data was skewed, and as a result literal WRONG decisions were made. 1. Namor Regen- There is absolutely NO way that real game play at ANY level shows Namor's…
Here's my concern... I'm really happy that Kabam is taking the time to SHOW us the data they've used to make these re-balance decisions, BUT I am not sure that the data they are presenting or used is correct in multiple ways, and this throws the whole "balance" out of the window. @DNA3000 has already made some observations…
Have you finished 100% LOL? If yes, do Fury. If NO, do Aegon and get another generic AGdans Who is the ruling/dominant skill champion in the game right now? Commentaire de Vdh2008 janvier 2020
Over 1.1MIL total rating and I don't have a Ghost higher than a 3 star. FML.
I still have 3 paths of the Labyrinth to do, so I’ll do those first.
AW is the worst part of the game hands down. Specifically AW SEASONS.
ALL of the techs. No Ghost, No Warlock, No Stark Spidey, No G2099
Add this to the reasons this whole holiday/ anniversary has been a complete **** up.
I agree that's the POINT I'm trying to make.
LOL. That was a metaphor for how bad it feels to pull an IP dupe for a 5 year anniversary "gift". It is an insult. I'm not against Kabam in most cases, as you can see by my history on the forum... This stems from the extreme amount of disappointment I and others are felling today after pulling hot garbage from our "gift".…
In all honesty I would rather nothing than my dupe Iron Patriot. I would rather have Miike spit in my face than the disappointment I got from the "gift" after playing for 5 years. But, yeah. Happy anniversary.
Arena Revamp was much needed. GLAD it came in early 2020. It made everyone soooo HAPPY.dans Time Traveler's Poll 2: What Was Your Favorite Part of 2020? Commentaire de Vdh2008 décembre 2019
Everyone who pulled good champs are "pleased"... everyone who pulled meme champs are "disappointed". Everyone else in between... Basing an anniversary "Gift" on RNG is a trash way to do things.
I respect that YOU are happy, but to say that everyone "should" be happy is not right. I would rather have had nothing instead of having disappointment for a gift.dans The anniversary gifts and halls of healing are a instant hit Commentaire de Vdh2008 décembre 2019
Lol, you don't get why someone would be mad that "all" they got was 275 6 star shards by duping Iron Patriot, while another gets a literal game changing champ? These "gifts" should NEVER have been RNG dependent.dans The anniversary gifts and halls of healing are a instant hit Commentaire de Vdh2008 décembre 2019
The point is, this "gift" should not be RNG dependent. Sure, 80%-90% will be happy with it, and that's great, and I respect that, but to guys like me and the fellow that pulled IF, this "gift" may as well been a lump of coal. I'd prefer the coal, as at least you can burn it. I can't even sell the IP in protest
I would have preferred nothing to 20 sigs on Iron Patriot. The disappointment is worse.
This is EXACTLY my sentiment at the moment too... WAAAAAYYYYY too much of this game is RNG dependent. Now these gifts for 5 years of playing are too? My 20 sigs on Iron Patriot are worth the same as Warlock, Sunspot, or Claire Voyant? It's disgusting. The very LEAST this should have been was a "featured crystal" with no…
Imagine what would have been spent if the "deals" had actually been GOOD!dans Kabam Black Friday Record year Mobile Game Spending (Congrats) Commentaire de Vdh2008 décembre 2019
I laugh every time I see guys saying that UC EQ hasn't gotten harder. It's literally demonstrably harder in every way since the first UC EQ that had ONLY 1 PATH of "hard" nodes compared to now having only 1 EASY path. Sure it may not be hard for YOU, but to state that it hasn't gotten harder is disingenuous at least. Now,…
Your answer is pretty much the definition of the choice: "Nah, it's fine"... Lol