VtotheO ★
We still have some spots available.
I don’t disagree that the 45 minute timers aren’t good. Like many of you I am married and have kids, so the extra time is always welcome.
Is there an estimate for that yet? Your lovely system found us a wonderful gem that has been inactive for over a day now. We were hoping he’d show up to help in AQ and place in AW...but nope, nothing. Please let us know when this will be reactivated. And anyone out there that is looking for an alliance...message me. Please…
Hello Allen. I should have room for two by tomorrow. My in-game name is Vinicio O., with a period. Find me on Line as Vinicio_o I will send you a friend request now.
No thank you. Though I appreciate it, I’ve posted an ad to recruit myself. I’m not looking to join a Gold 1 alliance. I just want to get back into Gold 2 again. Sadly, we dropped into Gold 3 the last two weeks of the season and stayed there. And it appears no one wants to join Gold 3...which is essentially the old Gold 2.
We are currently seeking two players.
I think that we are the place for you then. We’re pretty organized and move along quickly. We were in Gold 2, but fell into the new Gold 3 this past war. But we’re ready to get back into the new Gold 2. Contact me here, in-game (Vinicio O.) or on Line (Vinicio_o), which is our primary form of communication. Looking forward…
What is your in-game name so that I can check out your account.
Still searching for one player.
We’re map 5x5 and need 1 player ASAP. I don’t think you’ll want to join, but it’s worth a shot. We’re typically Gold 2.
I’ve sent you a friend request in-game. That is my team. Contact me in-game or on Line: Vinicio_o
That is my alliance. I need one more responsible player to join. I’ve messaged and invited you in-game. You can also contact me on Line: Vinicio_o
Still searching.
Unfortunately, we only play map 5x5. Would you be interested in joining anyway?
We’re a friendly bunch and we clear alliance events quickly.
We run 5x5.
Sorry, I looked you up. I need a stronger account. Good luck though.
What is your in-game name so that I can see tour account.
We’re gold 2.
We’re a friendly and informative group.
I’m still searching for one player.
Still searching.
Hi there. I messaged you on Line and semt a friend request in-game. You’d fit in our alliance.
Hello. We’re a gold 2 alliance. Find me in Line (Vinicio_o) or in-game (Vinicio O.)
I am too bud. I only need one player to join our alliance.
My apologies. My Line ID is Vinicio_o I didn’t notice the typo.
I’ve sent you an invite in-game.
I’ve added you on Line. We’re looking for some players. Hold 2 Map 5 AW 8-10.
It’s been temporarily disabled now. Hopefully we’ll all be able to enlist now.