Xthea9 ★★
Last minute call... if anyone interested in join a gold 2 alliance, let me know .... Line id x-thea
Hi, check alliance Tag XTCM, if that’s interest you.
Hi, alliance Tag XTCM, let me know if that is something you are looking for , Gold 2 status and we score 60-70 million in AQ when we had full strength. Looking for 6 players
I am looking for 5 players, if anyone is looking for new home let me know. Line Id x-thea
Nice thread... good stuff thanks OP
How many units did you guys used to revive symbioid in this quest. Honestly depending on one champ I think one mistake and you have to pay with the revive. I have used more revive in this quest as compared to the normal quest where I can use my regular champs. Now some of you will say who told you to depend on one champ,…
Hi, XTCM alliance Tag , let me know if that’s interest you
@DrownedGod , it’s as per map sequence but roughly around, 60-70k gold and chips accordingly. We work as a team and sometimes gold isn’t enough for donations and rank up so we pool in for you or for others too ... and we do have minimum so that you can put something instead of nothing to help the team.
@Eugene_Virtuoso , Hi, yeah 4* 5/50 works but if you have good defense and needs rank up ..that will also works ... AQ scores around 60-70 million which will give you some Map 5 and 6 crystals to help grow. As you can see more people are concentrating on 5* it should be good that slowly you build your 5* roster too.
Thanks for posting this OP , we are sorry it happened with you , give us more details like , when did you opened the crystals, which device and operating system, this should not happen with any buddy.... we will look into this ASAP. Meanwhile please don’t open more crystals. At Kabam - WT* how this can happen PHC and 4* ,…
4 spots open .... wanted to fill this ASAP .... skilled ,active players, strong defense. Gold 2 in AW , tier 11 currently... we will drop more or stick to this tier ... will start next season from closer to tier 10 or 11 ... hoping that if we get few Win , that might help us to maintain gold 1 ... on,y speculation. Line Id…
@Haji_Saab thanks
OMG .... so many people and one side track mind, what happened to all of us , without reading, understanding the meaning or thought or concept, everyone assumed that this post is a same “complaining “ category post. Guys you are able to beat the content with symbioid, but that’s not true , without enhancements, try your…
Guys , this post is not about “crying out loud “ please read and understand the point if you can’t ... then enjoy the game.
I am enjoying, and really it is an experience, but when I see kabam patterns and the way I saw quest in last couple of years , the difficulty level has increased significantly and the champion bosses for the quest were all memorable latest example “ white queen “ etc. each difficulty design to give that pleasure, kick and…
The point is it’s too easy with the tool provided by kabam, why create such content putting all the resources to create a most difficult quest and then give this tool to “ breeze through “ without facing any difficulty. I am not saying it’s hard , or easy , I was just pointing out that why ??
Yeah , that’s true, but if you see last uncollected difficulties, the boss fights were like a deep challenge and every skill of you got tested , muscle movements, quick reflexes etc. etc. I don’t think so , Kabam will go such a length for just fun stuff, introducing this concept should have something hidden. I am just…
Thanks , typing solves all issues. I actually didn’t know that we can type.
@AirBow0 , thanks buddy , did you sold your champs, your hero rating is very low only 43K , as I said ... I am looking for someone who have strong defense and can help us to push for gold 1 but I guess it’s really hard to find those players.
@issamaf80 thanks for the interest, I am really looking for some strong players who can help us for a push for decent rewards.... Gold 2 isn’t helping much.
10 million, Gold 2 alliance looking for few active strong players, if anyone looking for a change , message me , line Id - x-thea. Thanks
A video would be nice if you can share, I would really like to see how this symbioid doing in AW.
I was spending even now and then I buy few offers but then I started buying stocks, my friend send me a link of an app , though that I registered and now I can buy stocks, so whenever I feel itchy... I buy stocks just like use to buy offers by pressing few tabs and done. And after few months I saw that I am growing my…
Doesn’t matter right .... I am taking bleed damage due to suicide mastery, AA poison shouldn’t be applied to me. At least that’s what I assume.dans AA poison bug, comes back while using suicide mastery ( only bleed) Commentaire de Xthea9 octobre 2018
😂😂😂😂😂 funny thing is everyone is fighting with each other’s thoughts and views. If kabam decides to implement something that’s said and done. Why are you guys even fighting for such a small change. Those effected with this change has plenty of options in their rosters. Giving a choice of selections for buff nodes ....…dans Developers Thoughts: Improving Alliance Wars Discussion Thread Commentaire de Xthea9 octobre 2018
GMC only guarantee 4* worth for $50. I would go for it if the dynamics of the game are not changing too fast , now the wind is blowing towards 5* more , I personally stopped spending resources on 4* champs except for few new champs. Those 3 CC are very precious for 5* champs and now I am more cautious by choosing 4* champs…
Just sharing my views, nothing against of anything and welcome all the changes. AW is really important for all of us , the back bone of the game and everyone wants to test their team with against someone. There are few basic features of AW that needs fixing first , I am not against of the new changes but in the race of new…dans Developers Thoughts: Improving Alliance Wars Discussion Thread Commentaire de Xthea9 octobre 2018
@"Kabam Zibiit" , thanks for the response, I have missed that part , thought we can use.
Spot open.... anyone interested
Hi , check out XTCM ( alliance Tag), let me know if that’s ok for you