We are Active players. Like Arena War and Aq.
Gold 3 Alliance Experience and Aq map 4.
Interested in Aq more then War.
Hoping to find friendly Active Alliance also working on Alliance milestones.
The 4 of us would like to be in the same Battle group.
Gold 3 Alliance Experience and Aq map 4.
Interested in Aq more then War.
Hoping to find friendly Active Alliance also working on Alliance milestones.
The 4 of us would like to be in the same Battle group.
Tag is BMMO
We are focusing on AW and AQ and always gives our best on alliance milestones
You can come here join us and and if you didn't like you there's no stress for leaving but I'm sure you will like us for sure.
Storm_Shadow in game. Alliance tag X-MAF.
3 immediate spots open, we can make room for a 4th quickly.
If you're still looking for an alliance, then check out The Order of the Ebon Hand [O.E.H]. We're chill but active 5.7 million alliance that's recruiting one plus players with a base rating of 100K+. Some more slots might open after this weeks SA.
The LINE app is REQUIRED in order to join. PM one of our officers (ARGaming86 <---ME, OpethFan1) or our leader Liam Seven (ebonhand) on LINE for more details. Adding one of us is a MUST especially ebonhand.
IG:GorerillaTactic, Liam 7, OpethFan1
I sent you a request and an invite in-game.
We are Bronze 1 looking to advance to Silver by the end of Season 5. We run AQ Map 2 & 3 simultaneously except during AW when we run 2 BG's on Map 2. In AW we're Bronze 1, Rank 1104, Tier 12.
AW currently runs two to three times a week with one to two BG's while working towards three BG's after we acquire 30 members.
Participation is key! Group participation in completion, item use, duels, etc to reach max rewards is highly recommended. No donation requirements. We understand that life issues happen, but please communicate.
With the new AQ system in place, we're running Map 2 and 3 simultaneously; 2x5 and 3x5. Once we hit 30 players, we might run three BG's with Map 3, 2, 2. We might do Map 4+ if we have enough in our treasury balance. The use of top champs is a must where nothing under 2K in AQ/AW is allowed/recommended. No pressure to join AW/AQ but participation is required/high recommended when joining.
Our last updated stats are as follows : Bronze 1 - 5,780,460 (5.7 MIL) - 1,107 AW Rating
I reached out in game. I think i have the perfect fit for all of you. And no issues with keeping yall in the same bg. Add me on line app if you have it. My id is papathor. In game I'm LUV MUSL. Already spoke with spazzypatty and it seems like it will be a good fit and all my current guys are great, you'll fit in well.
Check out my alliance. Line I'd is the same as my username here.