Yellsome ★
Iaim soie icaint doe anaithin..aysk kaybam
What I meant was these are such long messages so I don't think anyone is gonna go through them
I would go with colossi
I like the music but I wouldn't like It when am I'm playing..distracts me
Its like saying I got now I want my house locked at all times
I have made a post on a great buff to gambit..u guys shud go check it out
HEY! THATS MY PUN! U STOLE ITdans Master Void UnaVOIDable Damage... Can't Imagine Uncollected Commentaire de Yellsome janvier 2018
is this an excuse to get ur gem back?
If u want to buff all the weak champs then where is the competition?
instead of "you have" it should be "have you" I guess
5 star luke cage
una*VOID*able damage Sorry for the pun
not this month.never
Any update on when we can see the quests?
That benefits the newer that's good too
Not all champs have a high health pool
That's exactly what I felt too
I forgot to mention that each slide is approx. 40 secs so skip it if u cant wait
dr doomdans What champion would you like to see in the contest the most? Commentaire de Yellsome décembre 2017
That happens wid me too.u just gotta bear it
soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lucky
What a joke
whoever didn't like it just stop being greedy for gods sake.Its free stuff just take it
Drax does it for medans Whos your favorite FURY champion? (Who's you favorite #6) Commentaire de Yellsome décembre 2017
Well,u could have spent 1 dollar and got a four not a robbery
Lucas is a beast...even kamalan khan and spideryn gwenon