Youconfused ★
I have the same questions. I thought we could in incursions but I guess not anymore lol
I'm interested. Added you on discord
Apocalypse! His debuff should become passives in the event a champ is debuff immune. Also his burst damage should be for all debuffs including the bleed he applies. Right now he is limited to the 4 from sp1 and Sp2.
Still no awards
Still not rewards yet. It just said ranked rewards will be delayed. Anyone else having this issue ?
Never heard of him but he looks cool!
Domino or aegon. Leaning towards dominodans If you can choose your first R3 6* champ who would it be and why? Commentaire de Youconfused avril 2020
Domino hands down because she had the best damage potential as a stand alone champ at 0 sig.
I had the same issue with tech. I think I made it to 37 without tech champs
**** I thought we had a chance
Hulk buster!dans Community's Choice: Champion Update #MCoCChampionUpdate Commentaire de Youconfused octobre 2019
Line ID Youconfused
I’m interested. Do you guys do war?
@SnoopySurfs_123 contact me on line please. ID YOUconfused
We’re back to gold 3. Could really use some new teammates tss
Contact me on line :youconfused
@Cranky_Trump what’s your line ID?
@"Kabam Miike" can you allow the community to have input on this? As someone who recently ranked up a cull, this is disheartening. I used shards to go feature and grab him and that was for his damage output. I don’t normally do feature crystals because I understand the dynamics of duping 5*, and the greater outcome of…
Check us out. LineID “youconfused”
Come check us out
What’s your in game name ?
@Lukaziz yes
One seat left
Lost a war due to diversity so we’re good 3 now. Still looking