
  • Seems like they too busy trolling us with battlegrounds events without fixing matchmaking... They found & fixed another flashing screen issue & loading screen issue in absolutely no time at all, can't give people epileptic fits because they be sued 😬😂
  • Hey again Dave, 6 months isn't a timeline, it's an issue that's not been remotely prioritised & has been ignored for half a year, which is a crazy length of time!? Is it not?
  • 5+ months for me, 6+ months for others. @KabamDORK too busy uploading content to his own channel to keep us apprised & Kabam obviously don't care enough to solve the coding issue, maybe they can't solve it, maybe it's beyond their ability to do so 🤦🏻‍♂️ clown mode...
  • They don't care...
  • @KabamDORK I'd really like to see some SP3's at some point before I die from old age buddy, help a guy out Dave 💁🏻‍♂️
  • Any news on this issue yet @KabamDORK ?
  • @Championasyde I agree, It's absolute trash & whoever thought it would be a good idea was very very wrong... I have worked in the graphic design field also & can tell you this breaks so many basic design rules. I'm not even going to list them. @BigBlueOx I also only claim from stash now, I can't even look at it, never mind…
  • It's much more widespread than it seems, I think players are just so used to experiencing issues that most don't even bother mentioning it... I've seen upward of 100 different users mention it over the last 3 months in Global chat, but barely any reports on it & less than a handful of forum posts. Coming up on half way…
  • Thank you! Been an issue for a very long time now. Here are some SS of the issues, black screen from the moment a SP3 is activated & can persist across several champions so that after a SP3 is completed there is a delay in the image returning, during this delay many player champs inputs are not registered, causing players…
  • Same, S10, S22, GAL TAB & S24 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: also an S7 🤦🏻‍♂️
  • There's a SP3 BLACK SCREEN issue that's been reported over 2 months ago now by multiple players, seemingly all on Samsung devices. We have had absolutely no feedback on this issue & it is affecting gameplay in a major way at this point. Here are a couple of posts. 🤷🏻‍♂️…
  • None at all... Haven't seen a SP3 for over 2 months... Still get clapped after certain SP3's due to the delay... It's obviously a joke to them. Also, who in the hell disagrees with a bug report?
  • I haven't seen a SP3 across 4 different devices in almost 2 months now... The lag between the SP3 finishing & the screen returning from the black void means you either take hits on block if you cat do that in time or you take actual hits. Meaning it's massively effecting gameplay. Kabam seem not to care about such a…
  • I give up... Obviously they don't care 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • @Kabam Dork
  • @Kabam Jax
  • Oh damn I didn't realise they ALL quit 🤦🏻‍♂️ says alot doesn't it!? So who is managing the forums now? Who is reading into issues like this? I filed a support ticket & reported this issue earlier this month 🤷🏻‍♂️ We are over half way through the month now... Some content is almost impossible because of these issues. Can…
  • @"Kabam Vydious" @"Kabam Lyra" @"Kabam Porthos" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Miike" I think Mike quit...
  • This was also observed last month after either champion would throw a SP3 the subsequent Specials thrown would appear as a Sky Blue screen like shown... So there may be an underlying issue that's been sat there for at least 5 or 6 weeks so far.
  • It's more than very common, it's every single time 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • @"Kabam Porthos" or @"Kabam Zibiit" can anyone confirm this is being looked at? Higher tier content hasn't been viable since the update. We are recieving no feedback on this at all so far...
  • Yes I have 3 different samsung devices & I have SP3 blackscreen issue accross all 3 devices... This entire issue needs to be pushed asap
  • Yes I have 3 different samsung devices & I have SP3 blackscreen issue accross all 3 devices... This entire issue needs to be pushed asap