awesomesauce ★★★
I went with whichever dude was mystic since mystic level up event was active
Connection issues are absolutely terrible the last 5 days or so.
Last couple war seasons Ive been turning off suicides and basically ignoring arena, and struggling with AQ and AW attack as most of my attackers benefit significantly from them. With them off, i run 3/5 in both DW and MD. when i turn them on, i run 5/5 in DW and 0 in MD, since I dont have many mystic champs that benefit…
Not today, Kabam!
Honestly I would even be ok if they did like a total of 3 loadouts. One is default, and one everyone owns. The two others cost 1000 units to purchase, once. Once unlocked, then the loadout is free to swap between (granting you have also fulfilled the requirements to unlocking the masteries desired). Then maybe if you want…
It is painful, but you could always go hit arenas (lots of them) and use units to revive. Not the best practice, but might be the break you need. Watch some videos to make sure you fully understand the fight before resuming. Either way, good luck man. You're almost there!
Usually before it meant that my opponent had forfeitted. Yesterday this happened and I'm like "ok cool" so i force closed, reopened the game and it brought me back into the fight with like 37 seconds left on the timer. A fight I had already won. So I did the fight, and lost the match.
you had 3 million units?
lol he'll stay cavalier but have 5x 6*R4s
Yes. It'll start roughly in 16 hours from now
There was a boss. It was golden symbiote lol. But he didn't have any nodes on him. Just a placeholder. Pretty standard they don't release final bosses in public betas.
its only 5% health loss on specials. but play omega right and in most standard fights you probably wont even get a chance to use a special attack. put one point in coagulate for omega and you will regen more than you will die with DE/LC/recoil on.
Tell him what he won, @Rillian !
I'm finding OS less and less viable in content honestly. Using her last week in BGs I learned the hard way that acid burn from iBom doesn't count as poison and she got wrecked from that too.
I had ten stacks of armor vs havok. I hit sp2, dropped to 5 armor. And immediately went to 6 armor, all 6 armor got consumed by power snack as my sp2 was blasting havok in the face, and I immediately went from 90% HP to dead before the sp2 animation completed @magnus_xix
Then should I report OS losing her stack of armor ups vs mutants due to power snack as a bug?
Isn't that what the people running bots are doing? If the modders and the cheaters aren't getting properly banned and punished, at least give us saps a chance to keep up with them.
Honestly, I have both. I tend to favor omega red, but full disclosure: I almost always run suicides. While where AA shines, he crushes. But that is relying on a lot: AKA debuff immunities in the champ or node, etc. I find omegas kit a little better in most cases. Immune to thorns damage on all medium and heavy attacks and…
Tough call Not knowing the content, nodes, or defenders I would probably run with Herc Moleman Omega red Herc for heavy lifting Moleman for evading champs, shrug debuffs and shock immune Omega for thorns champs, shrugging champs, poison (and basically) bleed immune
Was the original question ever answered anywhere else on the forums by chance?
its on the roadmap guys just relax.
has kabam confirmed that there will be leaderboard rewards? they better get to work on all these cheaters first. Somehow I doubt that accounts under level 50 are going to consistently be top 3 with 10k prestige or less.
I only have 4 carina challenges left in total, taking down the 6.2.6 champion with KK is one of them. How will this impact the challenge? Anymore info you can provide would be much appreciated!
Guess I'll just buy my sig stones and horde the rest til the end of the month. If no response I'll just go on a shopping spree. Better to use it on stuff I don't need than to lose it all.
I'm not running the sick and tired tactic this war, I was sick and tired of dying in off-season wars due to attack tactic I selected is killing me.
Well since I am getting no response here, I opened a support ticket too. So hopefully they become aware of the issue before next season starts.
People will complain regardless, but everyone has the same opportunity to save or spend.
@MunchFlob It was announced here: Looks like that thread was never stickied though.
I would state a ten if: 1. Cheaters were banned frequently 2. They did something better with cooldown and energy costs or timers 3. Masteries. I don't want to spend 200 units to turn off and on suicides every time I wanted to participate in this game mode. I'm really at a disadvantage with them on, but I can't deal with…
I'm not going to wait up to 30 minutes for my opponent to finish their matches. One of the reasons I enjoy this game mode is because of how quick it goesdans Enter the Battlegrounds this May! Open Beta Starts May 9th! Commentaire de awesomesauce mai 2022