
  • I should note I always plan to but rarely actually get around to it. I should also note that I read "plain" as "plan" so probably should have voted no
  • I've been playing this game for many years and Venom has eluded me as anything above a 4*. It's amazing how the RNG just rolls like that
    dans Well damn Commentaire de kfd2010 octobre 2021
  • Same here. I'd roll into arena to help clear those. Took awhile but I got there
  • Holy heck. I logged in to find this and pretty much had to laugh. I've always felt that solo game play has gotten the shaft with this bug given we've gotten maybe 2 or 3 total with constant AW/AQ comp (which is good - despite me selling much of that, definitely think that's the right thing to do). I like solo mode. That's…
    dans Compensation Commentaire de kfd2010 septembre 2021
  • I love building up the Cerebro Charges and then using Colossus for that sick sp2 damage
  • Yeah, I sold a ton off. Not a big deal. Was hoping I could use them in AW but alas they were AQ specific
    dans Wasted compensation Commentaire de kfd2010 août 2021
  • I honestly don't see what's that tedious about it. I'd prefer a side event that has you doing what you'd normally do but have to hit objectives. I normally run Uncollected and Cavalier anyway so those objectives aren't hard. The ones for Penni and 2099 for the lower difficulties may not got done but everything else is…
  • Honestly, while I wouldn't scoff at the shards, the thing I want the most are solo non-AQ revives and heals. If we only got 5 level 2 solo revives, I'd be pretty upset. I'd like the next one to be very generous for potions for solo play.
  • The good news is there are enough low tier champs on your roster that some are prob getting buffs some time this year. The law of averages is in your favor in that regard.
  • Can you show us some more of your roster? You may have someone who would help more and then you can devote some future resources to them.
  • I only come read this thread when the bug is screwing my game play, costing my the solo revives they still haven't given us as any compensation for (though at least say are coming soon). This has been one of the worst months in this game that I can remember and I've been playing for 6 years.
  • I had my computer open and was writing that while he posted that, so no I did not see that. Not that the post changes anything I wrote. I'm gonna chill on the game a bit until they have it fixed. That didn't give a time table but a test. But glad they're getting close Thanks for your constructive comment!
  • I think I'm going to have to only play what I need to. Get in for AQ and *maybe* 10 easy arena matches so I don't completely lose the thread in the summer event but that's it. I don't want to not play this game because I enjoy it, but I haven't been enjoying it since this bug, which is more than rare for me. Hopefully…
  • I'm going to keep working on him with Sunspot. Each time I've tried, I keep getting washing by a parry fail.
  • The new side quest grants more points with different Cap Americas but only one is really viable - Cap IW. And he's rendered useless with this. I got through one fight and was clipped trying to parry. I find it ironic that a side event that really needs a champ who parries often to max points is happening when you can't…
  • Yes, me too. Just noticed three times during one run of the tournament side quest alone.
  • I feel selfish voting for Ant Man because I totally did it so I can start using him in the Quantum trinity. He's left behind because he's too useless. But if he's a good champion AND I can make Ghost even better, then that's the good stuff right there.
  • Quake can do so much if you can get her right. Hype's great and you can use him out of the box. But Quake is a key to so much content
    dans Quake or Hype? Commentaire de kfd2010 avril 2021
  • Name: Kfd2010 Issue: Nick Fury starting in his "true" phase, persistent charge not showing up
  • Did we ever get an answer to this? I seem to be having the same issue this month (but didn't last month).
  • I've never played them. My styles has always been "Don't sacrifice health if necessary" so I've never played around with them.
  • I like him a bunch because of how bursty he is. The boost the his fury with his awakened ability surely helps, but even without it, he can mow down some opponents pretty quickly. And I enjoy a champ that can put up big damage numbers quickly
  • Black Widow Deadly Origins
    dans Your latest 6 star Commentaire de kfd2010 mars 2021
  • I am slow to rank up champs so I'll find myself selling it not too infrequently. I probably should start ranking up champs that are middle of the line ones instead but I'm just very conservative about using items unless I'm sure on it.
  • Not an easy question so no wrong answer. I friggin' love Colossus. It took me awhile to get there, but he's so good. Great against any champ that can apply bleeds because you keep amping up that armor. He's a tanky dude who does good damage. That said, there's no wrong choice. Since you have Sentinel, you have a good…
  • I remember watching I believe Jason Voorhees video on it to really get the hang of her. I got her a while ago so I don't remember. But it wasn't right away because she was one of the first champs I had who really was a different style. Took much less time than it did for me to get a mastery of Quake though. I also don't…
  • Knull would be great. I envision him along the lines of Professor X and Apocalypse where he'd be good, but also give some killer benefits to any symbiote in the game.
  • I agree that the big one in the FF corner is prob Galactus, though he's going to be a tough one to design. Would be weird beating one of the most powerful beings in the universe with someone like Hawkeye
  • Well, shoot. It's been so long since I went in there that that's news to me. I'm glad I did this, even if it exposes my ignorance on the matter
  • It's your game so in the end, there's not a wrong decision if you're happy with it. HT is great. My understanding is he's an answer to the Abyss. Also just a really fun champion. And it's not like you can't r2 SS (would be my choice of the 6*s) or Sasquatch later. You didn't use something that's super hard to come back…