penvro56378 ★
My 2 hour transport home looking to be a Boring one
I'll try to get a allience member to replicate it and post
I'm more frustrated with the inconsistency that kabam has put there it's the exact same node on all of the fights yet one does 182 more damage than another? Doesn't make alot of sense sadly I can't make a video about it because after this week I'm off on vacation but it's easy to replicate map 3 section 3 middle path…
15k HP node is 100% bleed over 60 seconds but that's also there on the mini bosses but yet I take only 18 damage but I go up against thanos or say a normal fight that has the same link in taking 200 dam
It isn't bloody vague matey pointing out the difference between the damage from the same bleed link and I know the bleed won't go away until link node is down BUT OMEGA RED IS BLEED RESISTANT.... Even without a video it would be extremely easy to produce because you take omega red against thanos with bleed link active and…
@"Kabam Miike" can we hear your wonderful explanation why this is happening and if we should expect a fix
It's not a node on the mini it's a link as ice stated
As I said I take everything linked!!!! So in map 3 there is a link called bleed when that is on a mini boss such as proxima I take exactly 18 damage now on any other fight besides the two mini bosses I take full damage which is around 200 damage so Thanos a Luke cage whatever it may be if it has a link on it that's bleed…
I'm aware of that trust me only reason why I rank 5ed him what I'm trying to say is at times hes not reducing the bleed so last aq I took on proxima linked with bleed node no enhanced bleed took 18 dam per tick... I go up against anything else with the same bleed node and I am taking full damage.... There is no enhanced…
It's purely a bleed link no enhanced bleed or anything just bleed so while I take 18 damage per tick on the mini bosses against non minis and Thanos I take full damage it seems even tho it's the full node...
There is no enhanced bleed node in this example just a bleed node so...
Happy 3 year anniversary mate
Should be out within the hour
Only did 100% master and had to grind out a few characters to complete it when in the end I get a 5 star cable dupe definitely not worth the time but I should expect it with my luck lmao
Pathetic event basically modoks lab but worse the fact that they don't even add sigs stones show how stingy they are.... Also shows that they takes past event reskin it and give crappier rewards GG kabam on your **** as ussual
Not available in Australia eyy love ya kabam not smh shafting parts of the world just because you can
Only new objectives are the dungeons ones
Not that I can tell
I won't be even able to join aw defence unless up in 2 hours first time I'll ever miss one
I'm able to log perfectly fine but seems like most of the community can't kabam what's going on?
Aw I'm addicted to it
Funny seeing you here xd looking forward to wrecking you chunky
They are easy to fight with yondu lol just something new which is good
No class cats?
I'm curious as well
nope not rn i sick with flu so no women for me
dammit screw save week lmao
called line download
Oh I thought it meant that if I left I would lose rewards no matter if I did 5 wars in the new allience thanks guys
So I was under the impression that after 5 wars you are able to receive these rewards am I wrong @mods