What keeps you playing the game?

I just wanted to ask the community what keeps them playing the game? For me it's the promise of updated gameplay, opportunities of obtaining new champions, and clearing new event quests. I've recently joined an alliance that actually works towards rewards and I have to say, it was like a breath of fresh air. The rewards are quite nice. But that's enough from me, I want to hear your thoughts now!
Playing since December 2014. Finished everything except LoL, with act 5 being completed this month. Left my alliance, the only alliance I’ve been a part of, this month. I only play causally now. New content like the dungeons is all that I’ve done this past week. I am so done with the daily demands from AQ and AW.
I really like the game and i know every game has its bugs but when those bugs are not compensated for than it seems like a loss. Look at Apple and their lawsuit for making peoples phones get slower on purpose because they thought they knew what was best. Now they said "In late December, Apple apologized and said it would reduce the out-of-warranty cost of battery replacement to $29 from $79 for most customers." Billions and Billions of dollars and you cant replace the battery for free? God that would make me happy (If I was an iphone user).
Did everyone get their free 2*????? I wouldn't comment on this if they did more of those 2* only arena grinds. (I actually enjoyed that). They basically penalized people for selling characters (no I did not sell any of mine) you will use once a year and somehow still made money on people trying to get 2* back or refresh what they had with units.
I would love to spend money on this game again but $39.99 for a 20% chance of a 5* which is the only thing I can utilize in the game at this point. Give us deals like 5* awakening Gems, or even Tier 5 cats so I can continue to rank my characters.
Gold realms should be offered once a month or even uncollected gold crystals. Or even some sort of arena that gives you things like gold battle chips.
We all know the same things keep getting brought up. Lack of character progression because of lack of resources. Yes i know you can grind but it does get a little boring. I think the real question of this thread should be.............
What will keep you playing the game?
And Kabam, before you mark this as negative please read it and see that I do enjoy the game and take some constructive criticism.
I quit the grind and joined a retirement ally where we just play when we want. Makes it a little more enjoyable, but there will always be that nagging feeling that I'm falling behind because I'm not in the AQ/AW scramble.
I doubt I'll be playing much longer. As the PI of the opponent goes up, the ability to "fight through" the bugs goes down. Basically means all end-game stuff is off limits. I don't even want to try Act 5.4 because of it. Combine that with the never-ending stream of bad 5* pulls means that being able to raise my prestige to unlock these higher level rewards is a pipe dream.
I was planning to finish up 100%ing Act 5 but I went to do a path of 5.4.1 a few days ago and towards the end of a path I lost 3 people due to my last medium in the combo taking too long to happen and not connecting, leaving me defenceless. Until this game is more stable I'm debating going solo and just logging in until there is either something interesting or the game is stable.
Kabam just need to improve it
Pretty much this exactly. That and I think it's somewhat fun still. Oh and my entire family plays and I am close with my alliance members
That being said the T4CC has been a wall for far too long and if I cannot break through it too I am going to stop playing (and that means no more $ too, though I only buy small er $5/$10 offers when they are a super good deal or are a decent deal and has exactly what I need).
I am at a skill cap already. I will never be a perfect player like some of these guys... but I am pretty darn good. My only issue now is my champs... I have only a single Rank 5 4* and no Rank 3 5*. If I can just rank 3 two of my 5*s I can FINALLY become uncollected without much fuss... but that is a big if. I will be able to get around 3 T4CC Crystals... I cannot use Cosmic nor Tech (so if get only those I will quit... I will honestly just drop the game as I am tired of not being able to progress).