pplbryan ★
My internet connection is broke again, can you let me know when it’s fixed? And maybe some revives for the champs you think I quit the match on.
@"Kabam Zibiit" I just SP3’d Stark Spidey with Hyperion. Hyperion is “Large”. The node says that special attacks from large champions cannot be glanced. When I returned from SP3 animation I immediately died. I had about 25 percent health prior. Is this working as intended?
I haven’t been able to the learn to effectively use Quake yet, but I think the only thing you gain is ricochet pulse, which helps with chip damage and also sends damage to your opponent. To me this is not a game changer. Hulk is bananas when awoken and I’m actually saving my science gem for when I pull him. Only down side…
Sounds cool, I try to do the same with duels.
Same here, at 3 members in our alliance. 1 was told to re-install. We all tried with no success. Ticket 04673717
Gotta be frugal when ranking 5s, they require too many resources to rank them all. Most of mine stay at Level 1, unless I think they would be good as a 3/5 or 4/5. Not sure if that helps.
Are they passive buffs like Limbo?
And then bane transfers...
Good idea, I can see how this could be a pain.
Check us out, pplbryan
https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/278965#Comment_278965 Doesn’t appear I’m the only one
They are avoiding this thread like the plague. Having an X23 and a Voodo, I’m curious to see the resolution....
Agreed, pretty sure they are waiting for them to expiredans What is taking so long to convert the randomizer items to gold? Commentaire de pplbryan janvier 2018
This happened last time, try a reboot of the game bud
Arena, Arena, and Arena! Merry Christmas! Look us up A.OTG
Ya I’d say so. Stagger is nice and his specials hit hard
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Vydious" any insight?
Intermediate difficulty shows node 18 just stun immune I think
It doesn’t appear the tier I am in is debuff immune, just stun.
I think where we struggled was the boss kills, at least 2 of our bosses had over 10 kills, but unfortunately after 3 there is no more penalty
Takes defense out of the equation then?
Lost out on the last lab. Now I’m crashed in the new lab. 500 shards. Bummer.
we filled up, thanks!!dans 4.7M AQ focused alliance looking for 6 members. Maps 53333 Commentaire de pplbryan décembre 2017
Can’t find ya bud
Leave SL alone, if you aren’t recognizing his absolutely awesome ability, then read the forum a and correct your game play. Do not draw any unnecessary attention to him as a de-buff is not wanted.
It has happened a few times to me as well, always associated it to my error, but if others are struggling maybe it is a timing thing