tfdrp2 ★
Apoc, wolverine, AA, Colossus, Red Mags. Used Wolverine for every path fight except Havok. Used Apoc for Havok to get charges. Horseman AA for Mojo solos. All right side paths. Still need to use whatever on left side, but all the Special requirements are done.
Threat Lvl 1: 1'000 4* Shards Threat Lvl 2: 2'000 4* Shards Threat Lvl 3: 3x Legendary Crystals Threat Lvl 4: 1x Mythic Crystal Think this give the most dupes for max iso bricks. so I will go with this.
I'm looking at conquer 3.1 with Baron Zemo. Not sure how conquer level players are supposed to handle this stuff at their progression. If the images come through, global nodes, one path fight, and Baron Zemo..... both path and boss are higher health and attack than my r4 sig200 6* Valk.
happened 3 times yesterday for me
Add whatever you want to the game, it has to continue to grow or be stagnant. I'm somewhat excited about the relics and ascension. I'll consider whether or not I like the new additions only if you can go through 2 months of new content being entered into the contest w/o bugs. If not, then I fully expect all the new…
Guess I look at it differently. I'm okay with whats on the individual paths, but I 100% all levels for the final reward Legendary t5b Epic - 3x Legendary Crystals = most likely 3 dupes of max sig 4* Master - 2000 4* shards - 1 dupe max sig 4* Heroic - 1k 4* shards The 3 lower give me iso, max sig crystals, and at worst…
This is why I was not able to finish the 3* Loki Carina's challenge Ultron fight. No matter how poor or well I was doing, at some point during the fight a swipe back would register as a block and Ultron would KO me. Still happens a lot in questing.
Don't get the reason for Prof Hoff bashing. He's never claimed to be "good" or do spectacular things in the game. I'm willing to bet that there are way more folks out there with a worse run than his than those with better runs (haven't watched it, so no idea how his went) No matter what you use to complete the Gauntlet (I…
IRL friend introduced me to the game, made friends through various alliances and stuck around because of that. Love the game mechanics, but no longer enjoy the grind with things in the game and the body breaking down. So went to much lower AW/AQ and using a lot more auto play than the past. I can see me moving away from…
I used 2 keys today and got the reward both times, so it should work if you save.
When you are stuck in Act5, go back and work on 100% the previous Acts, especially Act4. As you move up in level (you are currently 38) you get mastery points. upgrades in your mastery trees will help all your champs for the rest of the game. 100% everything before Act5 (use EXP boost while doing it) and you should be much…
Going to derail a bit and it may not be what the OP is going through.... but I think this is part of the "problem" with early access to high ranking champions that clear content easier. If you auto fight through most/all of act 1-4, you don't get to develop the skills that early joiners had to learn. I started well after…
Some, not all of, the other games I play put out an in game announcement that will say the hot fix is ready and been submitted to apple/google and awaiting approval. Just saying.
I thought there were no longer any ongoing input issues as it has been fixed :/ Sorry, couldn't resist.
Unless I'm reading the posts wrong I suggest you finish your initial completion of act 6, then start to worry about TB. That's what almost all TB folks had to do. I got TB 1 year after it came out. If you are Cav (I didn't see where you specified your current level or where you were in act6) then you should be getting 6*…
Haven't bought one of these in quite a long time, but bought this to show I support the change in direction of this type of offer.
The main story content, in any game, is not something that should be frustrating enough to drive people from the game and/or to stop growing. I'm guessing that the changes are necessary based on data of folks who just stopped at Act6, only did 1 run through, etc. Also, Book 2 Ch 1 being much easier than Act 6 makes no…
Really "love" that the content creators are already gambling on the game mode in the Beta Servers. I'm sure that's not going to go badly down the road if they allow you to challenge "friends".
My second account became Cav May 2021. Before trying for Cav. I 100% act 4 and act5. I've done 1 path in act 6.2 since then (just recently). I'm not really sure if I want throne breaker on that acct. If I do, I need more diverse champs and the gold to rank them. I do spend some on the account, but I also try to do all…
The input issues are affecting android as well. Not sure how it is mainly an iOS issue.
I'm okay with it. I'm not good with the autoplay turning off if you loose a fight (put in bugs section). I am good with the quicker load times between menus and, as of now, not seeing as much load time / wheel spinning between fights.
2 million points in featured arena gives you a 3* of every featured champ. You can play him then decide on crystals or grind.
Yeah, I watched my AI fighting for a little bit. only 3 and 4 hit combos, never a 5 hit combo.
I don't hoard on purpose, but it happens over time. all of my 4* are awakened. so opening my 4* awakening gems and using the ones in stock got me 5 5* crystals. some of my 4* classes are all max sig, so I was able to pick up 46 of the 5* sig stone crystals. good event. Just wish there was an easier way to reload rather…
I use my un-awakened r2 6* every day of map 5 AQ on my mini account for Soc. Supreme synergy and for her own beat-stick-ness.
might be worth waiting on. If you need 5* resources (i.e. 4-5 rank up generic) they should be in the Cav offers. if you are only working on 6* champs, then go TB and don't worry about Cav.
On my second account, running map 5, she is used every day in AQ, both as a synergy champ and clearing out pesky skill champs.
you only need to complete all the weeks of 1 level for this months event, not all of them at all levels.
It was already ended for "everyone else" when mercs would complete multiple legend runs for all their customers pushing out folks playing the game themselves.
That is true for the Falcon arena, not for the Shang-Chi arena