Throne breaker has too much luck involved
i say this as someone with some 6 star champions (all skill), from what i’ve said you may already see my problem, it’s the t5cc for the skill class and the fact that i could complete 6.4 and not get throne breaker because of luck of getting t5cc (skill) if it’s a requirement to have 6*r3 then make it a more reliable way to gain them without so much luck being present
Was I frustrated not getting what I need for months? Nah. I actually enjoyed the long grind. The feeling of chasing for something. I'm now doing it for Paragon.
There's a lot of T5CC now especially in Act 7 which is way easier to clear.
Here is a thread I made detailing getting thronebreaker within 6 months on an account I made from scratch, 0 money spent, no arena grinding for units and 0 T5cc RNG
All you need to do is plan out the RNG for T5cc because there are so many 25% T5cc collectors in the game now that you just need to get to 50% in one class of t5cc and then select the rest. Or you can push to act 7 and get a 2-3 gem. Now in the game, there is 0 RNG that can stop you getting Thronebreaker if you just play the game. The RNG can only get you TB earlier than you should if you get lucky.
What you’re doing by calling it RNG is saying “the game is RNG because I’m not getting lucky to get TB earlier than I expect to”. The game is actually fine, you need to collect more T5CC to get TB naturally and the odds are you’ll form one sooner rather than later.
You’re looking at it wrong when you say 1/6 chance. Getting thronebreaker is not aimed at a Cav who can only get 1 class catalyst by sheer luck of getting the same kind a ton, it’s aimed at someone who can get way more than that and average it out so you get at least 1 class cat formed. You’re also looking at it wrong where you say you should get a full catalyst by the time you’re completing 6.4.
6.4 and a rank 3 are two separate criteria. It means Kabam wants you to have done both to call you a TB. It doesn’t mean anything more than that.
I appreciate from where you’re sitting you want to tell other people it’s RNG, or it’s unfair or it’s easy to say for other people. And I don’t want to say anything rude, but I hope you can see by the thread above that it isn’t just RNG, I did it with 0 T5cc RNG, it’s not unfair, I did it with 0 money spent and 0 T5cc RNG, and it’s not just easy for other people to say because they’ve done it with their accounts, I did it from scratch.
As for what you can do, either take a look in detail at the thread I made detailing my plan and what I did. Or let us know what content you have left and what you’re struggling with. Most people on the forum will gladly suggest options or strategies.
The forums will always take more kindly to someone who says “I have a problem, please help me”. Rather than someone who says “I have a problem, change the game so my problem goes away”.
Summer of pain + Act 6 completion + Act 7.1 , 7.2 , 7.3 , 7.4
Also all the variants. Aswell as Side quests
Lots of content to play for guaranteed R3.
My one acc has 4 r2 6*s and like 3 R5 5*s and im on 7.3 with it. Just not a r3 cause of level. But 7.4 gem gives .
yes you made it to tb on another account from scratch but how long did it take you to reach tb from cavalier?(i tried to read it all but stopped at 2 months) i know you got uncollected pretty quickly. think about this you, a veteran player vs me a bit above a casual, it would take me a much more lengthy amount of time. does it really make sense for the amount of time to get one certain t5cc?
me saying it involves too much isn’t me saying it only has that quality when it comes to rng.
also you saying you did it without rng is that implying you didn’t get any t5cc fragments of the class you needed and that you only used selectors or a rank up gem for any class?
what i got from the beginning of this is be one of the few players that can complete act 7 or get lucky with getting the first 50% of t5cc fragments from crystals.
also i’ve watched plenty of videos and gotten plenty of help with other situations this one feels and is completely different
the variants gives crystals which are random my problem is the randomness not that it’s a lack t5cc fragments
i also thought it was guaranteed that i was gonna get another class 6 star but nope all skill
I think being a casual player definitely makes it harder but hang in there. Your time will come if you stick to the process.
I fully agree with your point that I’m a veteran, so it’s easier to do the content. But I’m not making the point that you should be able to do it as fast as me, I’m not saying get it in 7 weeks that’s easy. Im saying that the T5CC resources are all out there for you to get.
If you don’t believe me, screenshot your T5CC amounts, post them here along with which Variants you’ve explored, how far you’ve got in act content and I’ll let you know a plan that you can work towards to guarantee yourself TB. Im not saying it’ll be easy, I’m not saying you’ll be able to do it in 7 weeks. But at this point in the game, if you plan, you’ll be able to guarantee yourself TB and maybe you’ll get lucky and get it sooner.
Getting TB is not meant to be easy. Everyone who has got TB before you has done it without the extra T5CC you get for being TB. How can you explain that?
There absolutely is a pretty strong denial that the game is “just chance and luck”. With skill and planning you can remove chance and luck from it, like what I’ve shown in that thread. Where was the chance and luck in my thread? I didn’t have to have any RNG to get TB, surely the absolute opposite of luck.
Title by completing act content is gone. The only reason it is still part of the requirement is so level 1 accounts can`t simply buy the title.
I did the same when I was not getting my last 10% tech t5cc. Guess what
Got mutant instead of tech 😂😂😂😂😂
Explore the monthly quest (Cavalier difficulty) and you'll get a 10% t5cc Nexus crystal from which you can choose 1 out of 3 classes. Chances are pretty high that you'll get it for the class you need. There's usually also around 10% t5cc in the monthly side quest.
Moreover, you can always explore Variants. As Kabam stated when the latest one came out, they aren't really considered endgame content anymore but rather something for midgame players such as yourself. When you explore them, you get a huge 25% chunk of t5cc. It's a random class but it's so much that it'll bump that class's t5cc fragments significantly. That's mainly how I formed my first t5cc.
Given that Act 6 was also just nerfed, you might want to explore that act for more t5cc crystals.
Basically, there are a lot of t5cc fragments out there to find. Both in terms of random ones that are available in such abundance that you'll be able to form a t5cc of a random class with relative ease and from selectors that - with a bit more work put in - allow you to form a t5cc of a class of your own choosing. But you need to work for it.
I also think Act 7 is worth giving a shot. I really enjoyed it. It's a lot more fun than Act 6 and has a lot better rewards, and it's obviously a great source of t5cc.
I'd have sympathy if the rest of the community that is TB didn't go through the same struggle. I went through it after the first nerf of act6, so I do feel sympathy for those who did it before the nerf. I'm not the best player, I use lots of revives and pots when I do content. I do get the occasional 1 shot on a hard fight/boss and that's good enough for me. I also had to go at the GM 3 different times until I got him down. first 2 times I went through all my farmed pots/revives and units. I farmed more of all 3 (arena is your friend) then got him down.
It basically comes down to... play more. Grind for revives in act 3.2.6, grind for pots in ROL. If you have not 100% ROL yet, do it. The rewards won't help, but the game play will. If all else fails, buy offers that include 6* shards so you can open more than just skill champs. If you are f2p and not doing arena, you have a long road to travel.
That's all I got. Good luck.
I'm seeing lots of players eager to share tips, tricks and advice here. AND it's stayed largely very encouraging and respectful.
You love to see it! Keep it up.
If so then you will breeze through -- relatively -- completion runs in Act 7. The only hard parts are the bosses in 7.2-7.4, but they're not that bad. There is a path or two in each quest that are easier than most paths in Act 6. After finally completing 6.4 I completed 7.1 in two afternoons.
Completion runs in Act 7 provide good rank-up materials. Plus the paths have rewards on them, such as full T5b and T2a.
Good luck.
Chance is an element of the game. But it doesn't dictate player experience. Players dictate their experience. The players who believe this, and play accordingly, find that chance is at best a short term thing. In the long run, player activity dictates where you are in six months, in a year, in seven years.
The players who believe luck dictates everything generally don't survive long. Good luck will encourage them, but bad luck will discourage them, and everyone gets bad luck. If you believe you're in control, you'll take actions to overcome bad luck. If you believe luck dictates everything you won't, because it doesn't matter what you do.
Believing you're in control and believing luck is everything are both self-fulfilling prophesies. Games are all about choice, and choice number one is deciding whether you're playing the game, or the game is playing you.