Adri5846 ★
"All disagrees here are from Pause abusers." Sorry but the disagrees are because you are all day spaming mostly topics of no interest to the rest. I dont pause if i dont have any issue but i disagree with this nonsense suggestion. In this case, the pause button could be a problem for someone that plays BGs in paperboard…
Surprise: If the opponents are placing duped Enchantress, you get more points even diying 3 times againt her.
If you didnt do all the old carinas (like me) you could use then in champs like Doc Oct
Si mal no recuerdo han copiado la descripción de la misión donde entregaban la pieza de la de D-Shehulk. En ese caso si era completar un único desafío completo y en este caso es completar los 5. De hecho, se ve que solo has completado ese desafío al igual que yo. Claramente es un error de traducción
Thanos will be awakened when u do the run with the 5 deathless. If you have all the good cosmic awakened, i will take another nexus and use the gen on maestro.
If you have been playing over 10 years, you should know that the only events that guarantee good prizes are 4 jully and cyber. As always, banquet is pure rng and now all the people are crying and asking for a boycott like childs becouse the dont get what thet want. All the crystal of all banquets have been bad and only the…
And hasnt been the best? With all the milestones you have the best value ever for 12k units. It is true that the drop rates are quite bad but in general for me is a very good anniversary
I will do Chavez or Mr Sinister. Also Count Nefaria and Prowler.
Probably Titania
In my opinion you should rank and ascend CGR, Hulkng, Abs, Human Torch and Archangel (in the order you want) they ara all very helpful for story content and for Bgs too. Then maybe Scorpion and Doom.
Unfortunately there is another war with Decay Tactic. We have to wait until the next year to know about the new saga...
Just a minute, someone will disagree you 👍
Me for some old Carina challenges
For me the best is Shocker if you play BGs. And LadyD and Prowler could be awakened with regular crystal.
I usually do path 3 and I use Terrax for that RS. He can do the wohole path if the firts section is with metal tag defenders.
That was the answers i was looking for. If you are correct, this thursday we could see the new champs. Thanks mate.
Yes, i only wanted to know if we have a new saga soon. Sorry for my english. I wanted to ask if in january is a new saga becouse i am holding 3 GENERIC R2 gems to see if i can use then in some champs of the new saga or in any champion. Anyway, I'm right with the dates of the new saga? Anybody knows?
Thanks mate. I wish they dont do it and we have the new one in january.
This is just new and can help you: In my opinion you sholud progress in story content and get better progession title. When u reach better titles and levels could be time to spend money to get better investment returns. I think that the sigil doesnt help much but if you…
Maybe the buffed champs? Sentry looks like he is for long fights
This could be the firts thing that money cant buy in MCOC? I mean that you can only get 3 pieces per champ despite buying 10 odins...
6 weeks and 180.000 tropy tokens (30.000 per wek) You have to use practically all token in r3 relics while now you can use them in R3 champs...
Yes and you can see those decks in Gamma too
I use Gambit only becouse as you say Mr. Sinister works better with others.
When those offers appeared they were relevant and a lot of people bought them. You have joined the party too late bro.
I was thinking about the speed of the heal reversal. In Void is quite RNG, you can start with 2 petrify or have then the last ones, no the speed of killing a 4* Wolverine
No puedes publicar el nombre del contrario si lo acusas de hacer trampas bro. Puedes reportarlo en ese mismo menú donde sale el resultado del partido, haciendo clic en su imagen de perfil y "Denunciar".
Gold is the most abundant resource in game so they wouldnt do it. A lot of people have too much gold and for them the raids tickets would be free.
I will do Diablo. Sorcere dual threat? Lol she is a noodle as a defender.