Bunny425 ★
And I m not telling this t4b is not important.. It's also important to have... But i want to say that they have to increase the chances of getting 5star in that crystal... Cz daily I open that crystal I get t4b even there are lots of 5star champs Never got any champs in that crystal.... At least getting a 5 star dup once…
6 star take lots of iso to upgrade First I have to put iso on 6star lvl 1 champ Then only this t4b can b used to upgrade them to r2..... I know that paragon title have sweet reward... But throne breaker is not the lower title... Holding throne breaker title and get t4b from that daily crystal is worst... When alliance…
I have 45 t4 basic in stash And I have R3 sunspot lvl1 R2 prof x lvl 1 R2 Valkyrie lvl 1 R2 Immortal hulk lvl 1 R2 the hood lvl 1 R2 colossus lvl 1 And lots of other 6star r1 lvl 1.... But no iso...
Yup bro But I m not new... If the game have other type of bugs regarding character or anything else... It would never being a issue... But this game is all about tapp and swipe... If this tap and swipe doesn't register... Then how should I play... This game... I think ur game is working properly that's why u don't know the…
I know... But after dec gifting event We got lots of 6 star champ.... But not having iso to upgrade Soo it's no point to upgrade 5 star now... And that daily crystal shows lots of five star but never got any champ from that crystal At least they have to increase the chances to optain 5stars....
Captain bro Selling will not be an issue.... But what I m trying to say We can use that stuff if we have iso to upgrade Some 6 star r1 lvl1
I also have lots of champs R3 and r2 lvl 1 but no iso... I can't understand 4 star dup give 24 stake of iso bricks But 5star and 6 star dup gives same as well..
I think that button should be next to ap button So that we can get space to dex
Yup same happened with me Most of the time i accidentally hit that button while dexing attack And that time opponent rushes on me and i got screwed...
Is anyone encounter the same type of glitch...
Hey I want to ask something I used r4 doom in act 7.4.2 quntam decay node And clear the path by spamming sp3 And after that I thought may b it's a glitch And then I went to YouTube to check out.. I can't see any type of video And then I restart the game.... And tried the same line but now it get normal.... I think it was…
Introducing Relic was the good idea But unbind costs units And relic rank up cost gold Which is too annoying F2p players are already struggling in iso gold and units Even if we through units and gold on relic But relic are not used in each and every content of the game... Soo the relic is worthless...
They introduced tb difficult ... I agreed with those rewards... But And also it's true that uc and cav difficulties gets harder since the new tb difficulties are introduced But i m slightly disappointed cz of energy... It's not possible to explore Uc cav and tb difficulties.... In a month... As the energy cost are too…
Yup same here I also have left 1k shards But i think it's extra shards If u miss some of the shards from daily login Than this 1k shards will helpful...