Dooman ★
mrdooman on discord
mrdooman if you use discord
Got discord? mrdooman
mrdooman on discord
If you have discord, lets talk. Mrdooman
If you have discord, lets chat. mrdooman
Are all 3 accounts yours?
mrdooman on discord. Lets chat.
Feel free to hit me up on discord, mrdooman
Any chance you use discord? mrdooman
We definitely have war. mrdooman on discord
I know you said you won't talk to me if I mention discord. But .... if you change your mind. mrdooman
Well, I'm more war focused then AQ focused. So almost guaranteed not what you're after.... With that being said, if you're willing to have a chat on discord. mrdooman
You won't get any good responses without posting your profile. This doesn't tell anyone much.
If you're going to build it... just build it. It'll be slow going at first. But be ready to replace members quickly and you'll get there.
Got discord? mrdooman
Got discord? mrdooman
Got discord? mrdooman
Well, that's an embarassing blunder.
Do you have discord? mrdooman
Always up for chatting. mrdooman on discord
If you have discord, and aren't happy with your current new home. Lets chat. mrdooman
If you have discord, feel free to contact me. mrdooman
Your prestige is nowhere near what people would be looking for in a long-term fit in a Platinum alliance. Just being straight with you. Most average 19-20K Prestige, and 2m on the low end for rating.
If you have discord, would love to chat (And I do realize you've found a home) mrdooman
Just being real, that is a huge spread. If you're looking to keep people on the same server, you can always contact me on discord. If you insist on being a group, it's really going to limit your options to lower gold alliances though. (Think G4 or worse)
I feel like I've seen you around before. mrdooman on discord.
As mentioned on reddit, feel free to contact me on discord and we can chat. mrdooman
I know you said AQ optional, but if you re-consider, we do have map 6 alliances that fit the bill. mrdooman on discord.
If you do the discord thing, I'm open for having a conversation. - mrdooman