Looking for Chill & Relax Alliance

Starting a new job and would like to take it easy for the next few months (till I settled down with my job). During this period, I'm looking for a chill and relax alliance. My requirements
1. Optional AW just for loyalty
2. AQ Map6x4
3. Raids prefer to rotate instead of monthly
4 Battleground no min
You can reach me on Line keltan79


  • BarnabasCollinsBarnabasCollins Member Posts: 152
    AW G3, AQ 6/4 for 4000+ glory, 1 Raids group, BGs 11-20% rewards rank. AW participation is mandatory but not hardcore. Place a good diverse defense and clear a path. Relaxed but active group. Jake Jortles in game.
  • The_Curd_BrosThe_Curd_Bros Member Posts: 99
    edited July 30
    Hit me up. We are perfect for you . I sent you a message in line.
  • Buck9studioBuck9studio Member Posts: 170
    Look me up in game @ buck9studio. We are active gold 2 all BGs and map5/6 partial raid. Only in game chat. AW is mandatory but not serious
  • DoomanDooman Member Posts: 159
    If you have discord, feel free to contact me. mrdooman
  • Avenger_A1Avenger_A1 Member Posts: 354
    We're a relaxed and supportive alliance running AQ maps 665x4 (2 BG raids) - glory rewards 5000+ per week. We may run map 7 soon as well.

    AW is one BG Gold 6, no-stress/no-items, just 100% on-season maps.

    Battlegrounds expectation is 100k minimum, which is easy if you play just a couple of matches per day or every other day. We did around 10.5M last season, top 1-10%

    We need team-players. Line app required.

    Alliance name: District 10 (Tag: DTEN)
    Contact in-game: Avenger A-1
    Line ID: avenger-a-1
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