Dose_Responsive ★
Degen damage increases as the timer runs on, and on the number of buffs you transfer. You want to sp1 with x number of buffs, build up to another sp (1 or 2) then take the degens back shortly before the timer runs out. Rinse and repeat.
Ah, the old gaslighting method. You are a troll. That does not equate with me feeling trolled. How about being a productive member of the community instead of spending your whole time you've been on the board looking for opportunities to run your smart mouth. Do better. Peace.
I'm not upset 😙. Keep on trolling 😂
You're unable to understand the similarities between the two? K bro. Take a moment to read and comprehend before trying to be facetious.
You understand what drawing a parallel is? It's a similar mindset. LOL
They come from a socialist perspective. Punish the hard workers to support the entitled.
Duh! 😉
Psycho-Man? Are you insane? Wait......oh yeah.
America's Ass
No. You don't get to compel speech, unless you're a communist.
Ash (Evil Dead)
Tell your mum to have a word with his mum. He's a naughty boy.
Silk best option.
Silk has slow built in with her heavy attack, which counters the unstoppable segment of the node.
It's a sucky node. Ended up using Silk as she's probably the most convenient counter.
Great pull with Chee'ilth. I'm jealous. I started using her in 9.1 and was pleased how good she is!
Pleased overall. A useful dupe on Kindred, new America Chavez & SIM, 6* Venom & Mr Sinister relics.
You didn't ask for a fight in battlegrounds? How will that prove or disprove the "bug" you've got your panties in a twist over?
Judging by the language you're using (loser, you're scared, fight me etc.) you sound like a child. How old are you?
Just used Hawkeye in 9.1 within the last hour. Got perfect release 5 times in a row no issues. Abusing others isn't constructive. Your screen may be dirty. Your device may be off. If it was a bug there would be a numerous complaints.
Three bags full, mate.
Well done 👏 congratulations 🎊
Congratulations 🎊 👏
If it was mocking the Rainbow Mafia all the woke would be raging 🤓
I used Kushala. Slow but can get a solo
That's not the reason lol