Ik I'm late to the party but...

Paragon baby, wohoo

I literally quit the game about a year ago, came back, and completed 7.3 and 7.4 in 2 days, lmao I don't know why I was procrastinating. R4'ed cgr, kp and aa. Got paragon just in time for Dec event. Valiant, here I come.

I literally quit the game about a year ago, came back, and completed 7.3 and 7.4 in 2 days, lmao I don't know why I was procrastinating. R4'ed cgr, kp and aa. Got paragon just in time for Dec event. Valiant, here I come.
🎶 I did it my way! 🎶
Yes gonna push act8 now. Should not be too tough ig
Yea, hopefully Dec event gonna give me the goodies