Gertis_mangkas1 ★
He sucks.. who are u going to take out with dormamu
Logic and reliability is not what they are after lol.been waitin almost a month now its a every aspect of this game is set on percentages and fixed dates and stuff but nooo lets make this boosts random.or the mini bosses in aq thats another stupid one
Lol my hype with some furries has done like 80k.. my guess would be starlord with 400 hits??
Still no sign.what a rng right??bollocks
Biohazard means every hit has a certain percent chance to cause u to bleed.the first two hit may not count but the other 4 will.might as well use a bleed immune and not hit the opponents block at all than use domino
Lets not forget the analizer as well
I got thor rag which is not too bad but i was hoarding for ghost only to be screwed over like so many people i mean was it so hard to put them in staight away??if i had known i wouldnt have opened i waited for so long why would i open an hour before they were in im not stupid
What does the banner have to do with anything??banner shows only 3 4 champs that are in the crystal not all of them
Not unless u got somethin better.void corvus domino stark ghost to name a few
How about mystic rank down tickets?if i took a dormamu to 5/65 shouldnt i get rank down ticket now that md is being changed??
When u see a mouse
Nope me neither
Doesnt matter.blade always push back on his l2 because they didnt want him close to the opponent coz he gained a lot of power from the bleeds.this one is clearly a bug
How about thro then?why doesnt he cause armor brake when he parrys a projectile?
Pretty **** yeah
Whats his sig?
Ronan dont nullify no buffs.and venompool can steal one buff and turn it into regen for him.that doesnt count as nullify.neither does dr voodoo special 1..dormamus special 1 magik special 1 and 3 and scarlet witch have nullify
What does she do??
Yeah how could i forget about that..his sig ability is more armor 😂 i guess he falls in magneto category as one cares about his sig coz he sucks
I dont know man i never used joe fixit in my life i sold him again as a 4* last week lol.i guess he falls in the magneto category,no one cares about him coz he sucks 😂
Well he may get double least he gets something out of it.the fact that it sucks or he sucks is another story but he gets that through his sig ability.she gets nothing at all
We all know "that guy" lol
So u can spend your enrgy when u got no time to play and need to use it fast
Anyway the purpose of this post was so that someone from kabam see it and do something about it.not people who,dont even have karnak telling me how good he is.its not about ranting i made some suggestions like break down his attack into more hits,increase timer duration,make true strike activate by reachin a power bar or…
Then i wish u a 6* spider gwen for your first 6 star see how much u be liking her utility then
Not all of it.the nebula i got as first 6* kicks some serious a**.i finiahed ultron 5.4 without spending anything and her special 2 can do like 100k damage