
  • I have noticed the same thing occurring in the monthly event quest 3.2 on the same node (reduced damage except from specials, heavies, and unblockables). This is especially frustrating because I have mostly been using havok and red mags for the cav mutant nodes and both rely on their sp3 damage a lot.
  • I think this is at the heart of why it’s confusing that Falcon’s lock on doesn’t prevent glancing. It appears in game as a passive effect, so I (and I’m guessing a lot of other people) assumed that it worked more like a concussion for defensive abilities. There is no reason to think that it is a defensive ability accuracy…
  • Just to add further evidence, here is a video Archangel’s ability accuracy being reduced by civil warrior and not being able to apply bleeds or poisons. This has been happening way too often with Archangel recently - what is the point of having abilities and utility when you never know if it is going to work or not?…
  • As others have mention, easy solo with blade. Especially if you bring stark spidey for the enhanced ability accuracy reduction.
  • Here’s the in game description of the counterstrike node. “Using the dexterity mastery to dodge an attack grants the attacker a passive fury charge, increasing their attack rating by 5% per charge.” That sure sounds like a fury effect to me. If you want to argue that a “charge” is not an “effect” I would say that the fact…
  • I can confirm this interaction between Longshot and Hyperion is still taking place. See below vid of the abyss Hyperion. This bug (assuming it is a bug) cost me about 2 additional revives in my estimation, due to Hyperion being able to reach sp3 when he shouldn’t have been able to. https://youtu.be/FQNI24E3CjA
  • I ran into this as well and have video to back it up (see about 45 seconds in). This has been a reoccurring issue the past few months, with Archangel getting affected by AAR from nodes (specifically ones that cause disorient) - see this thread…
  • Archangel once again appears to be having his ability accuracy reduced in cav eq. This time against the Thor rags boss. There’s a couple threads on that specific interaction already, but no kabam employee acknowledgement on them so I wanted to include it here too. See about 45 seconds into the video below.…
  • I think I figured out what’s going on after encountering this again in this month’s event quest with the node that gives disorient when dashing back twice in a row. Archangel’s text says that his his ability accuracy can’t be reduced by his opponents abilities, but since these are nodes, apparently they can still affect…
  • Also - this should probably be moved to bugs and known issues
  • Just to add more confirmation that this is an issue. Here’s a vid where I just died with stealth spidey against a thing in AW because his web foam prefight did not apply. https://youtu.be/YdOShCrI0Mg
  • Well until they changed red hulk’s text from “purify” to “remove”, it seemed like the old interaction was intended. So how do you know the current interaction is actually intended rather than how it was working until the change?
  • Looking back at it, I think that I used sunspot for that red hulk in beta and used someone else on the live server but brought sunspot as a backup. I didn’t end up using sunspot so I didn’t notice this interaction then.
  • Classic Kabam. “Fix” one thing, screw something else up.
  • I believe apoc actually gives -100% tenacity ability accuracy. I’m not sure if tenacity is coded differently than purify or not. My guess is that purify is not affected by ability accuracy, but that is just a guess. I think I’ve tried to reduce red hulk’s ability accuracy with archangel’s sp3 (100% chance to apply a…
  • You are correct. It is the fact that red hulk receives the debuff then purifies them that allows for sunspot to sustain his charges.
  • It is a passive disorient as you can see from the icon in the video. But like gforcefan said - Archangel should be immune to AAR and it shouldn’t matter if it is an active or passive effect.
  • Honestly, this is a ridiculous oversight by Kabam. There should never be an interaction that forces the player to take a buttload damage at the start of the fight for no reason.
  • I’m actually really looking forward to going through the abyss (though maybe I didn’t make it sound like it). I was just saying there’s pressure to do it as well for the rewards - and especially now that r3 6*s are being pushed with the thronebreaker title
  • Honestly, I would rather have them change the requirements to something that includes completing or 100%ing abyss (which I haven’t done yet) or something similar, than keep it as is. Even though the current requirements are more attainable for me right now, I think it sets a bad precedent that I would rather not see…
  • That’s my whole point. Progression titles shouldn’t shouldn’t dictate rank up decisions. Rank up decisions should be based on personal preference and what the user feels is their usefulness. Progression titles should be based on content clearing. Just my opinion, but that’s all I’m trying to say.
  • I do feel pressure to do that as well and it’s the next thing on my to do list
  • I didn’t say I was obligated. I said I feel pressure to rank up to get the title to keep up. When there are rewards like t5b and t5cc frags in the thronebreaker daily crystal alone, that puts a lot of pressure on people to get the title as soon as possible.
  • I think people are getting distracted by discussing if VTD is worth ranking or not. The point of my post is that I shouldn’t have to feel pressured into ranking a champion that I don’t want to rank just to get a progression title to try to keep up with other players who have cleared similar (or less) story content.
  • Don’t get me wrong, I love VTD as much as the next guy, but I don’t consider him worth R3 worthy with the other insane cosmics that are available.
  • The energy investment is wayyyyyy to high for the pitiful amount of iso you get. Did one run to see what it was about and won’t be doing any more. Edit: it looks like the selector actually provides more iso than I thought, but I still think the energy cost is pretty steep
  • This came up again when Brian Grant did his first run through the abyss. The collector's abilities explicitly say that the unstoppable triggers based on hitting 1% of max health, but appears to trigger based on 1% of remaining health. This results in the unstoppable triggering far more often than it should and resulting in…
  • I am late to the party on this, I never really noticed it because I’d also use ghost for those nodes. Until I went to take on annihilus with crit me with your best shot and critical setup in 6.4.2 with a symbiote supreme. I figured DOT still worked since the node only talked about hit and was frustrated when I realized SS…
  • I just tested in 6.3.4 and most of ghost’s hits that should be critical are still not being critical Edited to correct quest number
  • Quick update: ghost also doesn’t phase the ruptures from Sasquatch.