IAmNotUrMom ★★★
It was actually only 250k
@GroundedWisdom You are completely wrong about the multiplier being based off of the bracket you are in. You can review the season 1 thread below. But war tier affects multiplier. Bracket tier does not. http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/47443/announcing-alliance-wars-seasons
It's more likely that he is in an alliance where tier and multiplier do not matter as much as it does between the Platinum 3 and Gold 1 tier.
Correct, but it did not end with them being placed against gold alliances. They were still facing tougher platinum alliances. This is not a very well thought out thread by the OP.
Many teams and the OP provides no proof that even one alliance is doing such.
@ArmandStar Technically you are breaking the rules. Did not notice this post was bumping of an older post.
In theory yes, but let's say that you want an Iceman and once you get that Iceman you spend no more money. A random system is set to keep you to keep trying for that Iceman.
For the Ultron issue were you facing Magneto? Or were you facing a champ on a heal block node?
Since I have to be constructive with this post the main things that keep me coming back to the contest are: intriguing game play, camaraderie with fellow summoners, and of course free stuff!
But at least there are simple tricks to beating both of those.
LOL, cause there weren't better options to pick that would have given us a thrilling experience.
@Hereba I believe this link will help you realize what's wrong. https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/47681/reminder-about-the-use-of-3rd-party-software#latest @Shrimkins is correct in this matter. What you are seeing is a direct result of something suspicious with your account.
I'm only doing it for the shards, units and stones. For 15 minutes of work I won't complain.
It's a 1 in 6 chance of getting a good champion. :)
As a player who averages over 15k 5* shards per month a reduction in the cost of these crystals would be awesome. But I think the fear that Kabam would have is how it affects the balance of the game.
They are not that hard to get. You would be better off pushing to make even a single run through master difficulty which awards more for about the same level of difficulty or trying the tier 4 basic arena.
They've said multiple times that the chance is an equal chance for all 5*s in that Crystal. Same applies with t4 and other similar crystals
Play more arena. Boom, problem resolved.
This is correct. Also might be nice to have a chart from Kabam that explains capacities at different levels for newer players.
It depends on his level. Level 60 you can hold 12. It scales up though, so not sure what level OP is at.
You will have to keep grinding it out until you reach the experience and level needed to hold more catalysts.
He did it on another thread with me too. He obviously has bigger issues outside of the game.
She already addressed it on a different thread.
Do the 6 new featured champs replace these 6 featured champs? Or is it just another 6 champs added into the pool? And if the 6 new featured champs replace these 6 featured champs are we to assume this may be our only chance at a 6* Void, Hulk Ragnarok, etc.? Thanks.
No, it is pretty bad. I do not see the low drop rates altering my crystal buying habits just for reference.
Of course it is Kabam that will choose. Why do you think we ever have any choice in this game?
I am guessing that it will drop around 12pm EST.
I doubt we can expect a definitive answer, but even if it does go down for a week I won't be mad. It might finally give me the chance to finish 100% of 5.4.
MCOC operates independently or separately from Marvel. A poll that recognizes him as a villain of the actual comics means nothing for the tags in the game.
He's a decent champ for a newer player given that he has bleed immunity. But there are several mystic champs and probably even a few 3* that would serve you a lot better to rank up at this point.