
  • PS, no I was not boosted. It’s the saga boost only. I used 2 10K potions and should have been healed 20K, I was healed like 17K instead. That’s not correct.
  • What I don’t understand is how the attack tactic got approved. It makes no sense. You have to eat an unblockable rooted special to the face, or take an entire special into your block if it’s not unblockable, BEFORE your tactic starts to even kick in!!!! Allow to me put this in perspective if that’s now obvious enough…
  • I get that and I agree but it’s pretty obvious they don’t want to give paragons that much rewards accross the board on these events. So I’m saying if they won’t give us our own solo progression rewards why not at least give us tiered alliances if their idea on this event is “check this out proven players you can get…
  • Top 1% in solo ranked gets 1,000 Titan shards. LOL. This is ridiculous bro spend $1,000 to get 1/5 of the rewards you could buy 2 weeks ago for $100. The math ain’t mathing
  • Short answer yes. You have several good options for abyss, Aegon and ghost. Ghost did my abyss run for me years ago when theonebreaker came out. She’s great for it Necro you have Aegon, Kate, shuri, zemo, torch, Adam, Doom, Abs who all can take fights in necropolis. Fair warning in MY opinion, if you’re not going to have…
  • No Aegon isn’t the only option for sure. He DOES counter a lot in his base kit that helps take on really anyone but he’s like a solid 8/10 counter for everything, but there are champs like Kate that are a 10/10, they just take longer Wong for example can do Odin very well Shuri is really the only good counter i could think…
  • I ran full recoil except for the trap section that made you use your specials. I’m sure you could feel the próxima fury but I chose to just have Aegon and heimdal as my core and fill out the rest to help with specific counters
  • If you’re wanting to go the cheaper route or focus on a shuri style exploration, the 6* does ok with a high relic. I ranked mine also because I could not and still cannot pull the 7*
  • I did a mix, I did 4 lanes with Aegon playing hero ball and 2 lanes with a mix of Kate, Zemo and Shuri ( reed and Titania lanes). My Aegon runs I brought R5 Ascended Aegon, heimdal (you can almost cut your revive count in half if you know how to finesse the indestructible. I really never threw a special. I saved my SP3 the…
  • You’ll have to find actual counters for the defenders. Can’t rely on a tactic to bring otherwise random champions into fights they have no business doing especially on path 9. Abs man, KP, Valkyrie, magneto among others are popular path 9 counters
  • They’re essentially starting us in gold 1 in the current victory track. Kinda dumb if you ask me. Yeah we start in plat but the add 3 extra tiers. Idk seems too low to me
  • Personally don’t see how pausing relic releases will affect anything either way. I feel like for the most part we know where relics stand, a great tool (specifically in high end BG’s and questing) to extend your 5 hit combo to a 13 hit combo and get closer to finishing the fight off with a special attack. Aside from a FEW…
  • He’s hindered when the nodes strip your buffs. Not so much if it’s 1 buff but when you’re fate sealed and everything gets stripped away. It’s the one big roadblock I find in incursions for example
  • Depends on the champ imo. If they’re unable to R4 their domino but have a 7*, the better stats are probably worth placing the 7* especially in lower tier AW. But if they’re able to R4 a sig 200 domino there’s not much benefit to a 7*
  • If you grind the last week then yes it’s a hassle and feels like a waste of time. But I think it’s fair, those of us that have been very competitive and gotten into the GC within the first week and been grinding points the last 4 weeks are all placing around where our skill and roster should be in my opinion. Can’t expect…
  • Could be wrong but I’m pretty sure it lines up that he goes into the basic as this features Pool expires, pretty sure it’s 3 months
  • Wasn’t super fast I think it was my first fight in this meta. Korg cornered me and clipped me several times, so he regenned back to 100%. 1 SP2 and he was DONE lol it was so satisfying
    in GHOST gameplays Kommentar von ISO17 Juli 2023
  • I wanna say there was some really fun paths for OS in either 8.1 or 8.2 exploration (probably both tbh) she’s an amazing champ, I don’t think the huge gap between her and nimrod is what people claim it to be (I have both at R4). You don’t even need to stack that many debuffs just finish combos in lights and there’s…
  • $10 can’t even get you 10 uncollected gold crystals which will give on average about 250K gold. Kabam at least bring back those gold piggy bank offers, those are great value. It’s a joke that you spend $100 on July 4th and barely get enough gold to tap the “rank up” button to R5 a 6*, let alone to level them up at all
    in GOLD! Kommentar von ISO17 Juli 2023
  • Everyone advocating that this is ok and should be kept the updated way obviously has never used either root champion. Being able to keep opponents rooted is ALREADY extremely rare, maybe 1% of content in which you can actually achieve it longer than the innitial rotation. Aside from that, being hyper aggressive in itself…
  • Pretty sure the whole idea with zemos root was to only have to bait heavies from the defender. Not once did a defender ever use a special to break out of root before. It totally destroys the idea of root to begin with, if you still have to bait specials and watch the power bars why the heck have the mechanic to begin…
    in Root not working! Kommentar von ISO17 Juli 2023
  • Damn, missed it. This could’ve solved my gold drought 🫤
  • A 7* sassy... Probably r2 too... 1 sp2 and it would have been over.. Doesnt CGR have non contact atks that would by pass thorns? You can’t successfully Nuke down an opponent sticking to those 2 attacks. I believe it’s only his 2nd medium and his heavy. To get ANY kind of rotation going you need full combos and he will most…
    in Ban this guy Kommentar von ISO17 Juli 2023
  • Yeah I used to get the sigil and that did help with the gold crystals. But it’s not worth it for me anymore, so I don’t buy it, just frustrating cause I’m itching to use these resources lol and I definitely don’t wanna see them expire
  • Go into a fight in BG’s and face 5+ R2’s and 12+ R5’s and tell me there isn’t a goalpost. Try and join a plat2+ alliance having spent very little and see how far you will get. There most definitely are very real goalposts. Not only for FTP but also for spenders. With the BG store update, I can get 1 T6CC a month in the BG…
  • My main point I guess is content and game modes need to feel valuable. Even for myself that did benefit from the sales, it feels like the only way to have any meaningful progress is to swipe your card.
  • It’s not keeping pace, I don’t expect to get R5 gems in EQ. But the goalpost cannot be set so far for too long or too many lower spenders or FTP players will be discouraged and quit. I’m saying this as someone who did in fact put a good amount into my roster this week, progress needs to be made immediately to BRIDGE the…
  • They answer different problems I think. I have both OS and Nimgod at R4 and warlock will be next. If you need a counter for someone like kitty, bishop (I find it easier to use OS since warlock keeps him around 1 bar of power and you DO NOT want him to throw an SP1), Domino, even spot, if probably go OS. but if you feel…
  • In my opinion those 7* shards are only appealing as a top off off you’re 100-200 shards short and wanna open a 7* NOW. Other than that not worth even looking at them, put your tokens towards R4 cats and T6CC