JasonMBryant ★★
Just to check, are you guys doing this on the Epic difficulty level?
I can handle evade. Automatically stunning the player isn't a fair challenge.
"Random" does not mean evenly distributed. You have to expect to get long runs without it happening. You'll also occasionally get several power drains in a short period of time. If it isn't streaky, it isn't random.
If you have to delete my other account, that's fine.
That arena is over now. Have you checked to see if the issue has resolved itself?
Did you quit a dungeon before the one you're locked out of? I've quit dungeons because of bad partners twice in the last week. Both times, I started a new dungeon, played for awhile, then got kicked out. No matter what I did, even restarting the app, trying to go into the dungeon just sends me to the home screen.
Inverted controls aren't fun. I got 100% against Thanos, so I can do it. It's taking all the reflexes I've built up in this game and making me fight against them. It's just not fun.
I do not like the current version of the 3 day dungeons. In the old version, I could use my top 6 champs that have class advantages on those days. It usually only took two runs to get all the points, then those powerful 5*s would be get three days to recharge before I needed them again. Now my 5 and 6*s can only be used…
Somethingsome is right, it's not just the boss. I'm getting tired of fighting Electro every time, too.
It's just weird that the difficulty is *so* low. I was expecting Epic to be at the same level as Uncollected. It's not even as hard as Master. It's a little boring.
Today it's happening for me again. Before it was happening on a Huawei mediapad, now it's happening on my iphone SE with iOS 11.4.1.
It seems to be working right today. Is it fixed for anyone else?
@"Kabam Miike" Could you guys make it so that they're scrollable? When we get all the rewards at the end of a quest, we can swipe left/right to see everything. It would be great of we could do that for these rewards.
They've got him as a background, so I doubt it.
I got a brand new champ! It was She-Hulk. Soooo, yeah. No plans to ever put a single level into that one. Some people enjoy high stakes gambling, some don't. I'm one of the ones who doesn't, so this just felt like a lot of time wasted. I think I can get one more shot at getting a decent new champ, but if that doesn't pay…
This is similar to another sound problem that has been in the game for over six months. When I exit the game on an iphone, then go back in, often the battle victory music plays. This can happen even if I just accidentally swipe at the top while trying to hit the pause button. That's only exiting the game for a fraction of…
Dungeons are not a good place to introduce new buffs. Sometimes the text is confusing. Sometimes I just don't read through them well enough because there is a time pressure. Either way, if I misunderstand a node in single player and get destroyed, that's unfortunate, but no big deal. If I die because of a dumb mistake in a…
No, if you miss one day then you get 2 5* crystals and a bunch of other stuff.
My thoughts. I enjoy the dungeons! It's a nice way to play the game. I like the interaction with a friend. There are a few issues, though. Bugs: Teams: It messes up teams in other parts of the game. When I start an arena, it defaults to my last dungeon team. Same thing when I start an event quest. Even if I *finish* an…
In the current system, you tap the quickchat button, maybe scroll, then tap the node you want. That's three taps. I have a hard time imagining a system that's faster than that.
This is a good thing. Content that is for two players has to be fully designed for two players. Making it so one person can solo it just means it will be too easy for two people.
MCoC Trucos keeps track of the energy costs. They haven't made a chart for every month, but they have for most months. Please take a look at their records of the energy costs here. https://www.facebook.com/pg/MCOCTrucos/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1187353471283000 As you can see, the costs for this month are significantly…
There's a simple solution. Skip every other one. That way you'll get exactly what you're asking for, and none of us will lose anything.
I didn't even go to the store. I just went to the stash to load up on more randomizers. I went back, started fighting, and got destroyed because the nodes weren't what they were supposed to be. iPhone SE, latest update of iOS.
Thank you. I really appreciate that they're working on this. Please do an emergency patch to fix this. I understand that that's a lot more work than waiting for the next patch, but this merits it. Bugs that cause physical problems for players are more urgent than regular bugs. Another month of this would be a serious…
Okay, I want to address the "take a break" suggestion. It's instant. Clearly the effect causes more problems for some people than others, but for those of us who have a problem, it's instant. It hurts my eyes a little the first time and a lot the fifth time. I can't take a one hour break after every five minutes of play.
Dormamu and Magik as bosses aren't a problem because of their power control. If you're getting hit enough for them to use their power control, then you're already dead.
Just to be clear, this screen shift at the start of the fight happens for ALL fights, not just ones with a big champ. It may have been done to adjust for character sizes, but it is causing a problem for all fights.
It's not a problem with the camera "angle". The camera position has an abrupt jerk right when it changes from the second character running towards the center to both characters running together. It's not the angle, it's the sudden jerk.
Ronan was my first champ. Also my 5th, awakening him. I don't generally play villains, but for some of the special content, he has been a life saver. Any time you can get the 100% power gain, like in Modok's lab or the Trial of the Infinite, he's ridiculously useful. So even if he's not your favorite, he can be useful.