Leonjr8719 ★
Anyone have any tips on book 2? I want to start it but don’t think my 6* roster is developed enough
Okay it’s funny because this was my other pull. The 5* rewarded my choice
Agreed. Going for cap
I’m thinking the same it just sucks passing up a 6* when they take longer for me to get
Roblin melts with aa. Shuts down pretty much everything at 3 neuros
Honestly any 6* is great for me at this point and I’m not complaining at all. I’m sure he’ll get some work in.
Who to pick?
It’s Steve McmMichael hands down. It’s Mongo!
I’ve put sigs into guardian but he’s not at 200 yet. Mags might go up but to me I’m just having trouble with getting used to his play style. And I’m not technically stuck at that quest I just haven’t finished it yet lol
All 7 runs for me on hardest where shards. 1000 6* 28000 5*. No good pulls though as I’m hunting nic aaegon and apoc
Go aa. He helps a lot especially duped. Just took mine to r5. No regerts. Not even one word
Colossus, omega, Emma frost and Apoco I’ve been hunting for him but no luck. Same with nic and aegon
And if I did it with colossus what team should I bring?
Not trying to flex LOL. I posted to just see what people thought I should focus on
I’ve been thinking about doing it. I’m cav atm and am a ways off from throne breaker. Haven’t completed act 6 yet as I’m stuck.
For drax
It’s really cool the the titles for the chapters of the quests are names and tracks for mulaneys albums. Those first two are great. Laughed when I saw the new in town chapter
I’m honestly glad I got this fight done before the change. Colossus just pummeled him. Easy one shot.
Gotcha. I just became cav and haven’t done a run on the difficulty yet
I definitely sunk all my generic sigs into colossus who I just r5ed. So I can’t really sig anyone up that much
I’m actually having issues learning doom. I’ve only ever seen videos of him awakened. So I don’t know if it makes a difference on his end. I love playing bwcv. She’s one of my new favorites actually. To me it was really a tie between her and doom
I have her r4 duped. She has good damage after some l1 Then l3. I don’t think she’s worth r5 but she is easy to play and doesn’t require anything special like masteries or synergies to be good. She’s solid but I would rank up she hulk above her
I’ll give it a shot thanks
Going to be a bit on him. Not enough mutant t4cc. But I do like him. Obviously I put sigs into him and took him to r4. I only ask because I have options I can do immediately
Chose hype. Thank you everyone for the comments. Who should I r5 next?
I did two so far. Not regretting these crystals
No regrets getting the class one over the basic. Energy though my pull was garbage there is still more value in class over basic for roster filling needs
Thanks for the votes. I think I’ll go for mystic/science. I have good mystics i want to dupe and my science champs need a boost. I was thinking skill was more of a weakness for me but this eq taught me its science