LordParker ★
Hate to be the one to tell you bud but Miike doesnt work here anymore
Ours were all good i think?
I did the same, bought 2 Odins yesterday as the summoners market had no inclination of there being bundles until this morning. Feel like ive been fobbed off abit but i guess its too late now.
You ever heard of King Groot?
Wait for the dupe on Domino or if you really want to use your resources go for the Apoc, hes one of my MVPs in BGs and questing, with 8.3 round the corner hes a great choice ascended and wont be a 7 star anytime soon
War machine WRECKS him, just bait the sp2s and throw sp 2s yourself
It literally says Gold Track rewards are time locked. Youll be able to claim the rewards when the timer runs out each day
Everyone starts from Bronze 3 mate, doesnt matter where you finished last season. But yeah daily objectives are still not around
You think this is bad?! Ive opened 3 crystals and got Dragon man (which is ok) and Guillotine 2099 TWICE
Thanks all, I went with Kingpin in the end. Hes one of my fave champs and hes one of the best all round I couldve gone with, I love Cable for questing but hes good enough at R3 for that.